Fresh Berry Sauce
Wait! Don’t throw out those old berries. Be it strawberries, blackberries, or blueberries looking a little (or a lot) worse for wear, I’ve got a delicious tip for you. I don’t know about the rest of you RIG friends, but I
Praying with Strangers
I’d been sitting on the dock with Hank, praying and thinking it was past time to go up and dress, when my phone pinged with another call to prayer. Only this one signaled a corporate moment that has become so
A Natural Aide for Ailing Knees
I was in my mid-thirties before I discovered the ball and socket of my knees were irregularly shaped. I had strained a knee playing tennis and I figured I needed to have it checked out before we left for a
Cake Hacks for the Sweet Tooth Monsters
Hey Rig Family! Having cake leftover after a family event isn’t a bad thing, unless you’re married to Mr. Sweet Tooth, or you have a big sugar loving tooth of your own and together you feel like it’s your duty
Let’s Embrace Life, Even at a Certain Age
My eyes fell on my kayak as I finished my early morning prayers. It was propped against Hank’s dog fence at the side of our yard, covered in dust and clippings from the lawn mower, and no doubt offering refuge
Pepper Jack Shrimp Wraps, Yes Please
Hey RIG family! Cooking for me is always about what I have on hand and that’s never more crucial than during the summer months when I would rather being doing anything other than trekking back and forth to the grocery
Fresh Flowers Lifestyle Hack
How about a lifestyle hack? I have a weakness for fresh flowers that I try not to indulge on a regular basis, especially in our current economy. Groceries are far more important, right? Right. Enter one of my favorite things:
Get Some Rest
Chrys recently wrote about our smart phones and how they’re here to stay. If you missed that article, you can find it here: One of the things I loved the most about her article was how she made sure
Let’s Hear It For Pesto
I love pesto! Any and all kinds of pesto. There are so many uses for this little spread, sauce, or condiment. People describe it with different terms but let’s bottom line it, shall we? Pesto can rescue bread from being
Does your mind wander?
Hey RIG fam! I’ve got a super short read for you today and it feels mighty appropriate for it to be brief. Why? Because I’m sending this one out to all my fellow squirrel brain people. I get you. I