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A Natural Aide for Ailing Knees

I was in my mid-thirties before I discovered the ball and socket of my knees were irregularly shaped. I had strained a knee playing tennis and I figured I needed to have it checked out before we left for a state tournament. Fortunately, I was able to get an appointment with a local orthopedic doctor.

I was sitting in his waiting room waiting for him to read my x-rays when the doctor came in the room, looked at me with an incredulous expression and asked, “Did you walk in here by yourself?”


The questions continued.

“Do your knees hurt?”


“How long have your knees hurt?”

“As long as I can remember.”

That’s when the good doctor put my x-rays up on the wall and showed me the root of my problem. The balls of my knees aren’t round, which means they don’t rotate freely. They grate. They grate with every movement.

I’ve always loved sports, and my knees have always hurt. I thought it was normal. I dreaded hearing my high school basketball coach tell us it was time to run the bleachers. The stitch in my side wasn’t the issue. It was the pain in my knees.

I remember the doctor telling me since I’d learned to live with my knees, there was no reason to give up an athletic lifestyle, but when I couldn’t take the pain any longer it would be time to have both knees replaced.  He basically said it was my call and I aim to forestall that as long as possible, which is why I’m writing.

Suffice to say, I’ve tried everything on the market to help with knee pain. I won’t list the name brands that have failed to deliver but I do want you to know what is helping: frankincense oil! After buying everything imaginable, I read an article about the benefits of using frankincense oil for joint pain and friends, it is a noticeable relief!

This past Saturday I played in a tennis tournament. Was I in shape for it? Had I been playing recently? No, and no. I’d been wanting to get back into it after years away from the game and my friend Mindy and I decided why practice when we could just enter a tournament on the hottest day of the year. (That was a joke. We don’t recommend that plan.) But about my knees, I just knew they would be aching like crazy the next day, but I came home and massaged frankincense oil into them, (using a little olive oil as a carrier) and the pain was not unbearable the next day. My knees were simply sore. I’m now using frankincense oil on them regularly and I can attest to its effectiveness. As a matter of fact, it’s helping so much that I had to stop and share with you. So, now you know. I hope you find this helpful.

We’re all in this together. I’d love to hear about any natural aids that are helping you!



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