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Let’s Embrace Life, Even at a Certain Age

My eyes fell on my kayak as I finished my early morning prayers. It was propped against Hank’s dog fence at the side of our yard, covered in dust and clippings from the lawn mower, and no doubt offering refuge to a thousand spiders. I do not have time to go into my great hatred of spiders. I feel it has been well documented online, should you need details.

I’ve yet to put my kayak in the water this season, even though it is truly one of my happiest places. Other things and duties have kept me from it.  This was my first true opportunity and I would customarily jump to it, and yet, I was hesitant, and surprised by my reaction. It was a foreign feeling, this uncertainty about whether I should go kayaking all by my little self and I didn’t understand what was lying at the root of it.

I did just have a birthday, and I did just turn 60, and I guess that does make me eligible to be a woman of “a certain age”, which is a distinction I have never understood. Does anyone know where that age begins? Is it 60, 70, 80? Who’s to say?!

It was hard for me to imagine this hesitancy was connected to that number but the feeling was strong, and I had a choice as to what to do with it.

I took the water hose, washed the kayak down, grabbed a life jacket, let my husband know I was going to be on the water, and set sail before I could change my mind. And you know what? I may have enjoyed this morning more than all the kayak rides that came before it, combined. I’m certain this had everything to do with my decision in the face of that trepidation.

There will come a day when I can no longer enjoy a morning’s kayak ride. That’s the reality of aging. But that day isn’t here! And until it comes, I refuse to let fear keep me from the adventures I love.

So, here’s my question for you. What have you given up before you had to? Push back. Do what you can to reclaim that ground. You won’t regret it.




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