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Cake Hacks for the Sweet Tooth Monsters

Hey Rig Family! Having cake leftover after a family event isn’t a bad thing, unless you’re married to Mr. Sweet Tooth, or you have a big sugar loving tooth of your own and together you feel like it’s your duty to polish that fabulous red velvet cake with crème cheese icing off before it gets stale. (I’m looking at you Kristen Herrington Densmore! Our Fourth of July treat was delicious!) And yet, sadly, combine slowing metabolisms with all that goodness and we have a perfect storm for packing on unwanted pounds. Anybody? To be honest, the very scenario of leftover cake drying out has never happened in all our years of married life, not even once, but it could, which is why we need options. Maybe you do, too? Well, I am here to help!

The first hack is one you’re no doubt aware of, but let’s mention it just in case. Slice what remains of that delicious cake, wrap the pieces individually in foil, and freeze! You can enjoy a slice occasionally without feeling compelled to knock it out all at once. You should know this is the theory we are aspiring to but as of this writing, the freezer is offering us a slice a day plan. Sigh.

The second hack is compliments of my brilliant daughter. Put the remaining cake in a bowl, mix well, and form cake balls! Perfect for freezing, and just right to top a dish of ice cream. Ask me how I know.


P.S. A person could always dip their cake balls in chocolate as shown in the insert. Now, whether a person should, that’s an individual call! LOL!


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