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Part the Sea

December 2, 2023, was a wedding weekend for us. Planning an outside wedding in December can be risky business, and, sure enough, the week leading up to the wedding was cold and rainy. We prayed for a beautiful day and checked the forecast daily, texting each other with updates or rain or shine. I’m happy to report the Lord delivered the most glorious day to us. We give Him the glory because scripture tells us in James 1:17 that all good and perfect things come from the Lord and that day was both good and perfect.

At church on Sunday I listened to a preacher talk about his daughter who has stage four breast cancer. He held back tears as he shared his love and concern for her. I thanked God that the weather was our worst worry last week. Like most families, we’ve had bigger issues We’ve lived through all the biggies—death, disease, and divorce. We know what a “dark cloud” looks and feels like. We all have “dark cloud days”, but, with God on our side, our response is different. What if it had rained on Aslyn’s wedding day? Would our faith have been shaken? On a much bigger issue, what if my husband had not recovered from stage four colon cancer? Would I have lost my faith? The answer is no, I would not have lost my faith.

I love this quote: Faith isn’t about asking God to stop the storm. It’s about asking God to help you through the storm. I don’t know who to attribute that quote to, but it’s a good one. All through the bible we see examples of God bringing His people through storms, not taking those storms completely away. 

As this holiday season engulfs you, we want to stand in prayer with one and whatever your toughest battle is asking God to lead you through it like He led the Israelites. 

Part the sea, God, and make a way.

Hugs, Chrys


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