Help! I’m the Parent of an Adult! Five tips for Parents of Adult Kids
First, everyone is in shock (you and the kids) when, seemingly overnight, you find yourself the parent of an adult. After years of mothering and smothering (for some), it will take some time to regroup. But, don’t take too long.
A follow up on my favorite things
Last month I talked about trying some new products and promised to follow up with the results, so here we go. I’m happy to report that the Jones Road Beauty makeup is amazing. It is as it promises—creamy and better for
Vintage Clothes and Generational Faith
Recently I was asked to host our online Sunday morning church service. I host with a man named Clay. I mentioned to him, as we were talking, that I was wearing a sweater that I have had for at least
Chrys’s Favorite Things
Hey RIG family! Since Shellie brought up the subject, I’ll jump in with a few of my possible favorite things. First of all, I did just order Jones Road Miracle Balm - and can’t wait to try it. I’m in
Regulating Emotions
With a neighborhood full of littles (seven under five years old), it seems we are in a constant battle with someone falling apart. That’s to be expected when our children are little, right? They are still learning all the mechanics
Secure in God
I was a “shy” kid. I have an older sister who came straight out of the womb with confidence dripping off her shoulders, but not me. We’re all different, aren’t we? God equips us in different ways, and sometimes, it takes a
Choose Joy
Choosing joy is one of my favorite topics. In my granddaughter, Sadie Robertson Huff’s new book, she says that joy isn’t a feeling of fluffy happiness, but a hard-won choice. What does she mean by that? At 70 years old, I
Part the Sea
December 2, 2023, was a wedding weekend for us. Planning an outside wedding in December can be risky business, and, sure enough, the week leading up to the wedding was cold and rainy. We prayed for a beautiful day and
Accepting All
We were talking, and as we finished the conversation, my friend kept walking, and I opened the door. A few minutes later, we laughed, as we ended up at the same place. So many things in life are that way,
Building A Team
As I was thinking about building my team for the camp this past summer, I decided it was time to take a hard look at what it takes to make a great team. From the time I started directing summer