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You Ought to be in Pictures

I have a large and very heavy ceramic bowl on my kitchen bar that has caught loose pictures for the past fifteen or so years. No doubt that’s why it’s overflowing, but every time I even attempt to “weed” it, I get engrossed in the photos and not a single one gets removed. Such is my attention span.

I bring you the tale of my bowl of goodness because my kids and grandkids gathered around it once again this past Christmas, and when I saw the camaraderie and laughter that filled the room as they poured over those pictures, I made a mental note to share the idea with you. Perhaps you’ll want to start one for your family.

My bowl happened because it occurred to me, way back when, that I had good intentions about creating photo albums and scrapbooks, but neither were happening, and I didn’t want the pictures relegated to the bottom of closets and catch-all drawers. The pleasant surprise was finding that family, as well as other guests that visit our home, enjoy browsing through the images over snacks, coffee, or just good conversation.

These days new pictures from my iPhone rarely get printed, though I’m always meaning to change that, too. However, that bowl just keeps catching Christmas card photos, grandkid art, graduation invitations, school pictures, etc. And my kids and grandkids? They keep gathering around that bowl to pass the memories around and enjoy them together. It’s like a fresh treasure is unearthed every time it’s stirred.

So, there you go, game changing grandmas, my bowl of goodness isn’t a life changing hack, but it’s a life-giving one. Let me know if you adopt it. As for me, sharing it with y’all just may be the inspiration I need to do some more printing!



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