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To Tan Or Not To Tan

Today I thought I would talk about self-tanners. Okay—not what you thought I was going to talk about, but-hey-it’s a new year and summer is around the corner and we’re not getting any younger and we want nice legs and arms and it’s so confusing because nobody wants orange arms and legs, so what’s good to do? I’m here to help you out.

I have seriously never done this, but I noticed my legs looking chalky-white so I bought one of those self-tanner wipes thinking I would go the easy route to a tan. Here’s my assessment. 

  1. It was easy to apply. Just open the wipe and spread as evenly as possible. Be careful around knees and elbows.
  2. It didn’t make me orange. It’s not like you’re painting on a color. The formula actually works with your chemicals to darker the skin color. (I know, weird!)
  3. It took one application to make a difference, but three to really look good.
  4. It did have a little smell, but not enough to keep me from using it. 

Now, here are some suggestions for a better result:

  1. Exfoliate first. Taking off the dry, dead skin apparently keeps it from streaking, so use one of those scrub brushes and give your give a little brushing. (You probably need to do that anyway after a few winter months.)
  2. Moisturize first. Moisturizing helps it go on smoother and absorb better. (Who doesn’t need moisture in the winter? Again, you need this anyway.)
  3. Shave first. It’s a good idea to shave first for two reasons. It helps exfoliate and you don’t want to shave after because it will take off the tanner. (I got to skip this step since I’m old and don’t have enough hair to shave. One of the few perks of old age. Lol) 
  4. Opening slowly. Open the towelette as you go to keep it from drying out. 
  5. Be patient. After you have applied the tanning mixture, wait a couple of hours to shower. I waited overnight. Also, wear loose clothing for a while until you are sure it’s completely dry. 
  6. Wash up. Wash your hands thoroughly so you don’t have darker hands than the rest of your body. (Never a good look.)

Well, that’s my hints and tips about self-tanning wipes. There are lots of brands out there. This one caught my eye so I went with it. Check it out HERE and let me know what you think.


Hugs, Chrys


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