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The power of a mama’s voice

Shellie here, I’m counting my blessings and naming them one by one. And high on my list is the good medicine recommended to us in Proverbs 17:22 — LAUGHTER! As you’ve probably heard me say once or ten hundred times if you’ve been a part of this community, “life can be hard when it’s good but it’s always better when you’re laughing.”

With that in mind, I’ve got a “Mama Funny” for you. I’m on the road speaking, a lot, and trust me, back to back to back road trips necessitates finding a reason to laugh! For me, that always included people watching. This next story comes from a trip that required several plane trips, a few Ubers, a couple kayak rides, a donkey, and a skateboard before I made it from Lake Providence, La to Burlington, Kansas. That may or may not be a slight exaggeration, but it’s not easy traveling most places from my little corner of the world, which made this scene that much more enjoyable to me!

I was seated at my gate awaiting my final flight of the weekend. Nearby a frazzled mom with a dozen kids, or three, I can’t remember, asked her rambunctious children if they needed to potty. They all shook their heads. Our flight got closer. She asked again and got the same response. No one needed to go. At the first boarding call, the exhausted mother addressed her kids once more, “Listen to me. We’re about to board. This is the last time I’m going to ask you. Does anybody need to go to the bathroom? Anybody?!”

Three strangers went to the bathroom, myself included.

I kid you not. Never underestimate the power of a mama. I half expected her to call after us to “Put some paper on the seat, too!” And “Wash your hands”. In fact, the whole episode reminded me of my own dear mother, the Queen of Us All. I’ve seen Mama oh, so subtly ask a baby who isn’t wearing socks if “her little feet are cold” and watched a handful of nearby mamas quietly tuck something warm around their wee ones previously bare feet. LOL! That’s. Power. Right. There.Laugh, RIG friends, and make good use of your Mama Voice. Oh, and if you have a funny to share with us, please do. We’d love to laugh with you!




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