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The Park Is Good Medicine

Our go-to is the park. If you haven’t taken your kids or grands to the park lately, as my dad used to say, are you waiting for an invitation? 😊

We are so blessed to have a nice local park about ten minutes from our house. We live in a small town, so I’m quite confident wherever you live, you have something at least comparable, if not better. I’m just blogging about our park experience as an encouragement to get you to go visit the one in your town. Every time I go, I love it. Sometimes I wonder why I only go when I have kids with me. I need to go alone for all these benefits I am sharing with you today. Here we go:

Five benefits of going to the park:

  1. You always meet new people. I have lived in this little town for 50 years and I don’t know, even close, to all the people. I love that every time we go to the park, I meet someone new. After two years of covid restrictions that’s reason enough to go to the park, but there’s more.
  2. You get a great workout. Out park is a long park, meaning it’s a hike from one play area to another and our kiddos love to go to all the areas. That alone is great exercise, but there’s more. Our park, as most parks do, has a dedicated hiking trail which gives us another great opportunity to exercise. Not to mention picking-up the kiddos and carrying them. That’s always a good arm workout.
  3. You get some vitamin D. Did you know most Americans are Vitamin D deficient, which is not good? A trip to the park on a sunny day gives you loads of much-needed vitamin D. Get out there and soak up some sunshine!
  4. You get to laugh. The park is the perfect place to laugh and smile and give away hugs. When baby girl goes down the slide, everyone laughs and hugs her at the end. When baby boy jumps from the top of the slide, because he’s a wild boy, more laughter and a great big hug. This is the best therapy for a rough day or week or two years. Lol 
  5. You get to see God’s creation. Oh, what good therapy it is to see the trees and the flowers and green grass. To sit and watch the clouds go by and breathe in the fresh air. The park welcomes sitting in the grass and doing nothing. Often, we can’t do that at our houses because there is so much to do, but at the park, we can just sit and enjoy. Stress will melt away when looking at all God created. 

I’ve included some of our pictures from our time at the park. It’s time to put a blanket in your car and head to the park. 







Hugs, Chrys


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