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Oh, the Things We Can Think

It’s not anything special, just one big plastic box, but oh, the fun it holds! “Keggie’s Box” is filled with all kinds of crafts, from pipe cleaners to finger paints, stickers to slime. Whenever I see craft items on sale, I buy a few and toss them in my craft box, knowing they’ll eventually become part of someone’s masterpiece. Our craft box reminds me of one of my favorite Doctor Seuss classics, “Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!” Allow me to share a few lines.

“You can think up some birds. That’s what you can do. You can think about yellow or think about blue. You can think about red. You can think about pink…Think and wonder, wonder and think. How much water can fifty-five elephants drink?”

The grands and I have read that book more than a few times. “Oh, the Thinks You Can Think” plays right into their healthy imaginations.  I’m sure you’re acquainted with the boundless curiosity of wee ones and their endless ability to question what, when, how, where, and why. To be totally transparent, their whys can be a tad exhausting, amen? And yet, I’m hoping they never ever stop asking—and I’m praying the rest of us will remember how to start! God gave us the most wonderful gift of imagination and somehow, well, we learn to tamp it down. Why? Where did we get the idea that we’re allowed to use our imaginations for everything BUT thinking about Him, and heaven, and spirits and stars, and when and where and why we are?

When it comes to our craft box, the things the grands can think up seems to know no limits. But, as they get older, I intend to do everything I can to encourage them not to store away their glorious imaginations with their childhood toys. We love to think new things together and I hope we always do. What’s more, I’d love to think new God things with you!

Do you have your own way of encouraging your grands’ imaginations? Tell us about it!

Hugs, Shellie


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