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Let’s Hear It For Pesto

I love pesto! Any and all kinds of pesto. There are so many uses for this little spread, sauce, or condiment. People describe it with different terms but let’s bottom line it, shall we? Pesto can rescue bread from being boring and make pasta sing. You can use it to top a main meat, serve it with roasted veggies, or enjoy it with your eggs. And that’s just for starters! Don’t have an herb garden? There’s no time like the present to start one, but even if you don’t, you can find fresh herbs in the produce section. Now, let’s talk steps. They’re simpler than you may think! Today we’re making Oregano Pesto, (because my oregano is going craaaaazy!)

Oregano Pesto

2 cups oregano leaves, washed and chopped

2-3 cloves garlic, crushed

1 cup olive oil

¾ cup grated Parmesan

½ cup of lightly pine nuts (other nuts work, too. I’m using walnuts today!)

Dash of salt

Later your chopped herbs in your food processor along with the garlic and slowly begin incorporating the olive oil. Add cheese, salt, and lightly toasted nuts. Process to your desired consistency. You’re done!

One more thing, I tend to use more garlic and cheese than most people. Adjust the ingredients to your family’s taste buds and enjoy!




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