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Iphone Camera Shortcut

Who among us has ever wished they had a third hand to take selfie pictures with that sweet grandbaby on your hip because you only have five thousand on your phone? Me, too! Or maybe you’re trying to capture a group pic and using the self-timer is leaving you breathless to get in the shot before the camera snaps the pic! Bummer, right?! Well, I’ve got a new hands free camera trick that all of us need in our arsenal.

I’ve been seeing this tutorial in various places, and I tried several of them. Alas, it still took me a number of attempts before I was able to set up this amazing shortcut on my own iPhone. So, once I figured it out, my goal was to simplify it for YOU! I hope this does just that. I’m breaking it into ten short, hopefully clear steps, and I’m including pics. Let me know if you have success!

  1. Go to settings
  2. Choose Accessibility
  3. Choose Voice controls, slide to enable
  4. Choose Customize commands
  5. Make a new command and name it. I used “smile”
  6. Click action and run custom gesture
  7. Tap the custom gesture screen with your thumb, creating a circle. Click save.
  8. Go back one screen to new command
  9. Choose application then check camera
  10. Go back one screen and finish by clicking save

You’re ready for the big time! Grab that grandbaby and use your magic word, “Smile”



  • Anita



    I was able to follow your instructions step-by-step, thank you! But, at that point what do I do to actually take the picture? I thought maybe it was voice activated when I would say “Smile” but nothing happens, whether my iphone is locked or unlocked or the camera is ready. Thank you for your help!

    October 16, 2023
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