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How to Embrace the Promise of 2023

Let’s talk about the new year! We love the promise of 2023’s blank slate, don’t we, friend? We start out with gusto, making plans to let “that” go and do “this” better.  I know I do. At the same time, past experience reminds me if I rely on myself to meet those expectations, the only thing I’ll discover is the inevitability of my own fallibility.

Thankfully, gratefully, I don’t have to rely on me to win a single day in 2023 and neither do you. Jesus won the day for all of us.  When we walk through our everyday lives bending our will to His, He is present to live His supernatural empowering overcoming life through us. Sitting here in the glorious hope of that promise, I’d like to share with you a few of the resolutions I’m asking Jesus to help me keep.

1. I want to take my meals with the Lord, asking Him to help me make wise choices on the fuel I’m putting in my body and to remind me to keep it moving, all to stay strong for whatever He has purposed for my one life.

2. Many of my friends and family will be taking social media breaks in January. If that helps you reset, do it! But, here’s a little share on my version of that goal. I won’t be taking a block of time away because I know me and I’m prone to falling back into the same patterns with these platforms when  I return. Instead, I’m asking the Lord to help me be more purposeful about the time I do spend on social media. For years now, I’ve taken a social media sabbatical on Sundays. These time outs have become so nourishing and meaningful I’ll be building on the idea for 2023. I’ll be designating more social media rest days during the week to reclaim even more of my time, while still hopefully using these platforms to help you believe and keep believing in the glorious gospel that is Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer, and coming King!

3. And finally, I want to keep loving life for as long as the Lord adds years to my stay here. I love to remind myself to embrace where I am in life because “Aging is a gift not all are given.” (Chrys has totally signed on to that idea. We may or may not be writing our next book on it! Stay tuned!) Friends, it’s not only within our reach to keep learning and loving life, it’s our calling. Listen to these words from I Peter 3: 10-12.

“Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.  They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.”

There were three directives there.  Did you catch them? We must be intentional about watching our words, turning away from evil, and seeking peace. And we can do all of these things in Christ, through Christ, because of Christ. It’s His intention and it is His own testimony that He came so we might have life and have it abundantly! John 10:10.

I’ll leave you with those goals and a favorite quote of mine. I do believe I share this every year because these words never fail to speak to me:

“Let the past rest, but let it rest in the sweet embrace of Christ. Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him. ~ Oswald Chambers If any of these resolutions call to you, leave a comment to let me know you’re joining me. I want to pray for you by name. Happy New Year from Rocking it Grand!

~Hugs, Shellie


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