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Get Some Rest

Chrys recently wrote about our smart phones and how they’re here to stay. If you missed that article, you can find it here: One of the things I loved the most about her article was how she made sure we understood that we need to apply the same boundaries we often try to establish for our kids and grandkids! Well said, Chrys.

With that in mind, one of the things I’m trying to do is pay attention to how much attention I give a screen at bedtime. I’ve been reading how screens stimulate our brains. Sleep specialists say using them right before bedtime can make it harder for us to fall asleep and prevent us from getting the deeper sleep our bodies need once we crash. This is because the areas of our brain that control sleep and wakefulness are highly sensitive to light, especially the blue light of screens. This light actually causes our brains to suppress the natural melatonin that helps us fall asleep and stay asleep.

Since we all need the best rest we can get to keep up with our active schedules during the day, and repair our bodies each night, I’ve made a couple changes that are helping me feel more rested. Perhaps you would want to adopt them, too.

~ I try to cut down on screen time in the last hour or so before bed.

~ I turn down the phone’s display setting if I need to use it, so it isn’t as bright and stimulating. I was actually writing this post when I discovered there is a setting on our phones to help with this. You’re supposed to “learn something new every day.” This was mine.



Here’s to a good night’s sleep! Let me know if you try these.



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