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Honest to Goodness Conversations with God

The holidays are coming! I don’t think it’s too early to make that announcement, not when we’re already seeing Christmas decorations. Right? I love this season for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is the abundance of story. Few things are more satisfying to me than the give and take of swapping stories over a meal and the holidays offer plenty such opportunities. To be sure, the best conversation has an ebb and flow that makes one want to linger.

Contrast such pleasant exchanges, if you will, with the uncomfortable feeling of trying to visit with a non-stop talker. Hey, be nice, y’all. I admit to being a card-carrying talker, but I’m making a distinction you’ll recognize if you’ll give me a minute.

We all know people who seem uncomfortable in conversation, so they compensate by talking non-stop.  It may seem like they’re full of themselves but I’m not so sure. I’m not a trained psychologist, but I suspect they do it for an entirely different reason. I believe they’re more self-conscious than self-confident. By filling the talk time between themselves and the other person, they cover their insecurity thereby reducing their risk of exposure.

The point of my amateur analysis? I see a parallel between that nonstop talker and our run on-prayer times where we say, “Dear Lord” and rush straight through to amen. It’s taken a long time but I’m finally enjoying the rewards of an honest to goodness prayer life, and I want to share what I’ve learned with you.

These days, when I catch myself in a run-on prayer, I know has slipped, again, and I’m actually hiding from God in all the talking. What’s more, I can usually trace it to a lack of confidence, spiritually speaking. Praying without pausing is a sure sign that I’m feeling self-conscious or insecure in our relationship.

If you can identify with any of this, I want to share with you one of the sweetest lessons I’ve ever learned. Confidence based on what Jesus has done instead of what I’m doing is always the first step back to honest to goodness prayer. Being more conscious of God, and less conscious of me yields genuine conversation that ebbs and flows and makes me want to linger.  Try it and let me hear from you.





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