About Those Wisdom Patches
I spotted it during my morning’s extreme makeover. No. Way. I leaned in closer and looked again. Surely not. I grabbed my magnifying mirror, thinking there was no way I was seeing what I thought I was seeing, only I
Interrupting with a Grandma Tap of Love
I get a lot of questions about being a grandparent to older teens and college-aged kids. There’s no doubt, just like it was with our own children, an older teen, especially a college-aged young adult, has a life of their
Luanne’s Sweet Potato Casserole
I thought I would share a favorite recipe with you today. If you don’t have this in your recipe box, you need it. It’s a staple here in the south for any special holiday or Sunday lunch. Hope you enjoy! Ingredients: 3
Choosing Laughter as a Lifestyle
I often use the following tagline on social media: #lifeisbetterwhenyourelaughing. Some might even say I overuse it. I say I’m standing on solid ground here, biblical ground. "A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the