Amazing chocolate caramel cookies
The grands are coming! The grands are coming! We’ll need cookies, game-changing grandmas and I have just the recipe. My chocolate caramel cookies never disappoint. Want to share your favorite cookie recipe? We’d love to have it. Post it and tag @rockingitgrand Hugs, Shellie “Amazing
A Visit With Santa
Like many of you, I took my “littles” to see Santa. It was “Breakfast with Santa” at our home congregation which means donut holes and melted snow (water) were on the menu. The kids were in earthly heaven. The amazing
Simple Hints to Make the Holiday MORE Fun
Merry Christmas friends! I love to do the “little things” that make the month more fun, so I prepared another list for you. Sure do pray that you and your family enjoy your time together and keep the main thing
Families come in all sizes
Hey RIG fam, it’s Shellie here. I was knee deep in Christmas decorations when my mind started turning around on a familiar thought pattern, and I found myself wanting to give words to something I pray will meet someone right
Rescuing Thanksgiving
Hey RIG family, could anyone else use a lighter story today? I’ve got one that comes to mind and I sure don’t mind sharing it. As you’ve probably heard me say a time or two, I truly believe life is better when you’re
What Does the “Grandmother of the Bride” Do Anyway?
That’s a good question and since I have been the grandmother of the bride or groom six times now, you would think I would have this answer down for you. But here’s the deal. It’s a job with a changing
A Brief Bible Study – Jesus Makes You More
Anyone who knows me can tell you that November is one of my favorite months, hands down! Before all the gift giving, we’re given the opportunity to be grateful for what we already have, and I wholeheartedly believe gratitude is a superpower! Being
The “Holidays” are Coming!
It’s a little like the battle cry we’ve heard in movies, “The British are coming!” When we heard that cry in the movies, it carried so many emotions--excitement, terror, joy, despair, hope, and anguish! Someone screaming, “The holidays are coming!”
Rocking Thanksgiving with Homemade Chicken and Dressings
Hey Riggsters! I would wager a guess that most of you game-changing grandmas know how to make Chicken and Dressing. Am I right? And yet, Chrys and I are finding that more and more young mamas are also joining this community and I
Headfirst Living
Even though it’s still warm in Louisiana in October, it always seems that we go from summer to fall so quickly. One minute the flowers are blooming, the grass is green, and the swimming pool is full of happy swimmers;