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Bella’s Wedding

The wedding was a huge success!! But, it was not without it’s drama. Since we live in Louisiana, rain is always a possibility and that weekend was no exception. The wedding was to be completely outside in Korie and Willie’s backyard. The plan was to have one tent over the reception area, but no tent over anything else. As any mom knows, contingency plans are essential to make it through life. Or, we could call it plan B. Whatever you call it, another plan had to be put in place at the last minute.



The night before the wedding, the forecast changed considerably. Korie ordered tents for everything. Of course, Bella was disappointed, but there was nothing else we could do. In the end, the tents were not needed, but it gave Korie some peace that they were there and Bella was a happy bride.


Some of the highlights from the wedding:

1. My grandson, Will, has been at Liberty University this past year studying music. He’s always had a good voice, but we were all in tears as he and Jacob’s sister, Kaylea, sang “The Blessing” as the family gathered around the bride and groom for a prayer.



2. Bella couldn’t decide which dress to wear, so we wore one for the wedding and a different one for the reception. It was perfect! She looked stunning in both dresses and they were perfect for the different occasions.



3. Bella and Jacob walked out to the song, “You Make my Dreams Come True” and it was the perfect choice. They are so sweet together! Then Willie got up and led the whole crowd in the song. So fun!

4. The band was over the top fun! Even 2 papa and I were on the dance floor, but the youngin’s really loved it! My grandson Aevin didn’t have a dry spot on his shirt at the end of the evening. Lol.

5. Even though we were prepared, God held the rain off and the weather was perfect! So, praising God for His perfect timing.

6. The memory table. Korie put together a table of memorabilia of Bella’s parent’s and grandparent’s love letters and pictures. It was so sweet! My mom, who is 90, loved showing off my daddy’s love letters from when he was oversea during the Korean War. The sweetest!



7. The fireworks!! So amazing! At 11:00, to everyone’s surprise, we were treated to the most glorious fireworks display over the lake. The perfect ending to the perfect wedding!



There were so many amazing parts of this sweet wedding that I can’t even tell you all of them, but these are some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures and thinking about your own sweet wedding. Maybe go find a few love letters and reminiscence.

Hugs, Chrys


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