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About Those Wisdom Patches

I spotted it during my morning’s extreme makeover. No. Way. I leaned in closer and looked again. Surely not. I grabbed my magnifying mirror, thinking there was no way I was seeing what I thought I was seeing, only I was. A long black hair was growing beneath my bottom lip. I’m not talking about a chin hair, y’all. I’m talking about a black hair, the length of my eyelashes, growing beneath my bottom lip, right in front of God and everybody. While you’re processing that, consider this. I was just coming off a long series of back to back traveling weekends, where I had spoken to a variety of audiences in a number of cities. Somebody pass Mama the smelling salts.

I removed the hairy offender faster than quick while I tried not to think about how many people might have seen it. I called my girlfriends for comfort. I got nothing.

“It’s a wisdom patch,” Mary said, after she caught her breath from laughing like a maniac. “That’s what they call that little patch of hair beneath a man’s lip.”

One of my younger friends disagreed. “Nope. It’s called a soul patch.”

Wisdom patch, soul patch, whatever. I just want to know why no one gave me a heads-up. I mean, do I look like the type of woman who would be growing a soul patch under her bottom lip, on purpose? Don’t answer that. You know, back in the day, I would see an older lady with stray hairs growing in odd places on her face and I would think to myself, why doesn’t she pluck that? I now know she couldn’t see it. Cut us, I mean her, some slack.

Peace, love, and soul from your wisdom sista’. Cha, cha, cha, chia…

Hugs, Shellie


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