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Aiming at Healthy

Get ready to get beat by your grandmother!” I said, joking with ten-year-old Grant, our oldest grandson. He and his little brother Connor had already taken turns beating me in ping pong that afternoon, and— news break—  I had really tried to win. They’re old enough that losing on purpose is not even an option. That game plan has been adjusted to holding my own.

Our competition had now moved to the basketball goal in the front drive and the score was neck and neck. B-ball is Grant’s game of choice and no one has to encourage the child to practice. He lives and breathes it with a work ethic that will serve him well in years to come.


I squared up, released, and scored. Yes! I pumped the air and everything, but alas, it proved to be a premature celebration. Mr. Sharpshooter ended up taking me down on the hardcourts too, and that, well, it is perfectly fine with this grandmother. I’m just glad I can play with him. I want to do it while I can, as long as I can.

The unpleasant truth is none of us get to choose whether we’ll walk into our twilight years healthy and strong, or if we’ll be dealing with illness and injuries beyond our control. To pretend otherwise is silly and doesn’t help anyone.

What we do get to choose are the many daily decisions that add up over time, and contribute to the likelihood of us staying active, so we can stay involved.

Zig Ziglar was famous for saying, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!”

Let’s be proactive. Let’s aim at healthy. For me, that means everything in moderation. I won’t deny myself that favorite dessert, but I won’t have a serving at every meal! And I may not get all my steps in today, but I’ll make sure to stretch and remember not to sit for long periods at the computer without standing and moving. I’ll aim for a healthy diet, and I’ll take a good multi-vitamin and take a probiotic for the days when I slack on the fruits and veggies and go too heavy on the carbs. These are the type of diet and exercise choices that give us the best chance at a healthy lifestyle, and they’re within all of our grasp. So, let’s rock ‘em, together!

What’s a healthy living tip that you aim for, even if you do miss the goal on occasion? I’d love to hear your hints!

Hugs, Shellie

  • Angi Roberts -aka Mimsy


    My goal daily is to drink at least 75 oz of water 💦

    October 30, 2019
  • Shellie Tomlinson


    Yes! Great add! Thanks, Mimsy! I try to get my water in, too, but I’m so glad you reminded us in this post. Blessings~

    October 30, 2019

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