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His Way Is Better

We had a December wedding. Planning an outside wedding in Lousisana any time is risky, but, in December, you’re definitely “living on a prayer”. Sure enough, the week leading up to the wedding was cold and rainy. We prayed for a beautiful day and the Lord delivered one to us. We give Him glory because scripture tells us in James 1:17 that all good and perfect things come from the Lord.

The Sunday following the wedding, I listened to the preacher talk about his daughter who has stage four breast cancer. He held back tears as he shared his love and concern for her. I thanked God that the weather was our worst worry during the wedding week. Like most families, we’ve lived through all the biggies—death, disease, and divorce. We know what a “dark cloud” looks and feels like. We’ve been on our knees in prayer when loved ones were suffering. We’ve cried buckets of tears and lost hours of sleep when the darkest of days hit.

I know you have done the same. No one is immune to a dark day, but, with God on our side, our response can be different. Even in the mist of tears and with the loss of sleep, we know who is in control of the universe. If it had rained on Aslyn’s wedding day, she would still be married today, and the day would have been amazing. If my husband, who had stage four colon cancer, wouldn’t have survived over twenty years ago, my faith would have remained the same as it did with his surviving.  Our faith isn’t dependent on God doing what we ask Him to do. It’s dependent on us trusting what He does.

I love this quote: Faith isn’t about asking God to stop the storm. It’s about asking God to help you through the storm. Whatever your toughest battle is today, ask God to lead you through it like he led the Israelites. Part the sea, God, and make a way.  And, if He doesn’t choose to part the sea, trust that He has another way. His way is always better. Trust Him.

Hugs, Chrys


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