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3 Simple Ways to Care for the Mental Health of the Kids in Your Life

The kiddos in our lives feel the tension of running here and there. Social comparisons are heavy. They have pressures at school, on their teams, in their organizations, sometimes even at home. It’s so hard to see our kids not living to their fullest! So how can we help the kids we love find more peace and joy–how can we help them manage their mental health?

Provide a calm space

Having a peaceful, safe space for your kids and/or grandkids to sit, chat, or simply unwind is such a gift to them. Light a candle with a calming scent like vanilla or lavender. Have a comfy blanket or two available. Turn off screens. Make these kids a cup of cocoa or a mug of tea. Put out some tasty snacks. Let them know this little corner of the world is available for them to rest, study, or just be. If they’re up for company, find a seat nearby and ask them about their day or what’s on their mind.

Make something

The God of the Universe is the Master Creator and He made us in His image. This means we all have some creativity in us, and also, when we tap into it, we are living more fully in God’s image. Doing something creative also reduces stress and anxiety and increases self confidence. So invite the kids you love to help refinish a piece of furniture, bake cookies, make old-fashioned Valentines out of paper and glue, rearrange a room, or draw on the sidewalk with chalk.

Get outside and move

God created the world and everything in it, when we get out in nature it has a calming effect on us, it reduces both depression and anxiety. And when we move our bodies endorphins and serotonin (happy chemicals) are released in our brains. You could go for a walk with your kids on nearby trails or a bike ride around town. You could take younger kiddos to a playground or sporty kids to a tennis or basketball court and hit balls or shoot hoops.

Creating a peaceful spot in your home, tapping into creativity, and getting outside and moving with the kids you love will benefit you and them. These simple, accessible practices will help boost the mental and emotional well-being of everyone involved. Plus, giant bonus, it creates ways for you to spend time with your kids and/or grandkids.

Meet Laura Smith:
Bestselling author and speaker Laura L. Smith tears down lies, so we can live in truth. She loves Jesus, her prince charming of a husband, their four kids, music, a good book, dark chocolate, and travel. She’s also a huge fan of counseling. Her newest book Holy Care for the Whole Self: Biblical Wisdom for Mental and Spiritual Well-Being releases February 6, 2024. Visit her website at: and find her on Instagram @laurasmithauthor



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