The Struggle is Real—-So is Jesus!
When people are broken it doesn't always show on the outside. They appear to have it all together and everyone thinks they are on top of their game. Often that is not true. Maybe they feel alone. Forgotten. Throwing their hands
Brown Sugar Bacon with Anything Recipe
Let me get right to it. I'm here to spread the news about Brown Sugar Bacon! This stuff is crazy good. You can serve it as is, you can use it to take a BLT over the top, or you
Honest to Goodness Conversations with God
The holidays are coming! I don’t think it’s too early to make that announcement, not when we’re already seeing Christmas decorations. Right? I love this season for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is the abundance of
Kids Do Say the Darndest Things (but big people do, too!)
Hey RIG family, here’s another light-hearted story for you because I believe life is better when you’re laughing. I’ve collected a number of stories over the years from my readers who know I appreciate a chuckle and have written in