You’re So Crafty, Rockstars!
Someone once said, “To be prepared is half the victory!” It’s a good motto under any circumstances, but it’s really helpful when it comes to grand-sitting. Opportunities to keep the grands can be planned and they can be spontaneous, but there are things a Rockstar grandma can do to be a step ahead of the game either way!
Take my craft box, for instance. It’s not fancy, but the grands love my big box of lovely chaos. Throwback time! Raise your hand if you remember “Let’s Make a Deal” and contestants being challenged to find strange objects in their purses! If there are younger moms and grandmas with us today, you may be drawing a blank. That’s okay, just picture ladies rummaging in their bags and coming up with the strangest odds and ends for the win and you’re right there with us. The image pretty much describes my Keggie Box.
Among other things, my Keggie Box holds Play dough, pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks. It also holds markers and crayons, paints and pompom balls, glitter and glue. (Yes, glitter. Be brave, Grandma!) A well-stocked craft box delivers spur of the moment fun and you don’t have to be a seasoned crafter with a mental catalogue of go-to activities. Grandma Hack: get thyself to the Pinterest search engine. Type in the name of something you have on hand and voila, you’ll have a slew of craft options right there on the screen!
We searched popsicle sticks on Pinterest the last time Weston the Wonder Boy was here, and before long we had glued together a toy airplane that made him beam with pride. One paint job later with big fat markers, and Weston’s airplane was ready to fly! Or at least we imagined it did.
The trick to a good craft box, Grandma, is to keep your eyes open in stores that sell such supplies. It’s easy to find off-season goods to add to your treasure chest at a fraction of their regular cost!
Since we opened with a quote, how about we end with one? “Imagination knows no bounds…”. You know, kind of like the love of a Rockstar grandma!
Have fun, and send us pics of your crafts! Chrys and I enjoy seeing them!