You Give It All, You Dear Woman!
How blessed I am to be a part of this new ministry!
This blessed place will launch today. You will be so blessed whenever you read, see, and hear the words of my dear friend, Shellie and my sister, Chrys. They are the ULTIMATE Titus 2 women-pouring out in surrender to God-their faith and live into their children and their combined 19 or 20 ( I can’t keep you) grandchildren.
You are going to love them as I do. To the moon and back! Don’t we all say that to our grands?!
My prayer this day:
Lord, whatever battle we are in today, I want to take my eyes off of that fight and instead focus on You.
You are the Author and Perfector of our Faith!
Jesus, you have already Won the War.
I stand before the Victorious Christ this day and declare the goodness of God!
I declare every force against your daughters is defeated by the Spirit of God Alive within each of US!
We are yours and we are focused on YOU -the Victorious Jesus!
Jesus – We surrender the Fight – We give over the Battle to You Lord. To you Lord. To you. It’s all you. The Battle is Yours, Lord.
The Battle is Yours. Amen.
Jesus said to His followers,
“If any of you want to be my follower, you must stop thinking of yourself and what you want. You must be willing to carry the cross that is given to you for following me. Any of you who try to save your life will lose it. But you who give up your life for me will find true life.”
This doesn’t sound like a Victory speech does it? This is how I fight my battles – is a popular song but it makes a great battle cry.
There is this line, “You may think that I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by you,” that speaks a powerful and beautiful message. The true beauty in this message is this Truth.
Before we can sing with power and confidence that God has taken over the Battle, we must first surrender to Him.
Surrender before being Surrounded.
Surrendered to Jesus before being Surrounded by the Angel Armies who promise victory
Surrendered to a Christ-following life before we can expect to hAve a victorious Life!
Opha Johnson was a real-life soldier in World War One. She knew first-hand “surrender before the battle” Surrender Before even thinking about Victory . She was the first woman Marine. Opha Johnson joined the United States Marine Corps in August 13,1918. – Before women were even allowed to vote. 300 women followed her lead to fill some of the gaps left by all the men fighting overseas in World War One. No woman before had been allowed to be an enlisted soldier.
Although her military position was a staff clerk, she and the other enlisted women were required to go through the rigorous physical training under the leadership of the demanding, tough Marine Corps Drill Sergeants. You’ve seen those movies about boot camp – so we know that Opha had to surrender – give up – relinquish her will over to the Marine Corps training – or she would not have made it through. She surrendered but she was not a weak woman.
Do you know, woman of God that you stand on the shoulders of mighty women soldiers?
Women who battled for you before you were even a gleam in God’s eye!
Do you realize how precious their legacy is?
What you have inherited?
Do you know how fragile a legacy is?
To the next generation?
WHEN the Battle comes to you – And it is WHEN – not IF.
What stance will you take?
Will you choose a posture of defeat? Will you think uh-oh. Now I’m surrounded. The enemy has got me now.
Or will you drop to your knees and Surrender?!
Will you give it all up to God? Will you surrender the fight to the only ONE that promises true VICTORY?
You see, woman of God, wherever you are in this today, know this truth.
That is how he works.
He’s deceptive. He will come at you as a – sneaky snake.
A vicious hyena.
As a creeping cat. He will pounce when the opportunity for evil is there. He’ll come at you. Or your marriage. Or perhaps even at your sweet children.
And if you have not prepared for Battle before the fight – I can almost guarantee you he will win a few battles BEFORE you even see him Coming! But- we have been warned, woman.
New International Version (NIV)
“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over vulnerable women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never understanding the Truth.
(2 Timothy 3:1-7)
Lottie Moon stood just barely four foot tall. But this tiny woman made a gigantic impact on her generation. She was a woman with a great legacy she built in her time. That exists today. The call on her life was to teach the women of China. She did this by teaching their children. Teaching them for Christ through her daily devotion to their babies and children. She surrendered to Go’s purpose for her life. In 1873 she began living and working in China and for the next 49 years organized mission efforts to evangelize the people of China. Hundreds of Chinese citizens came to Christ with her efforts. Today Lottie Moon’s life and lags you has inspired over $1.5 billion to be raised for foreign missions. How is it that Lottie N was able to give up her comfortable life on a southern plantation and an affluent lifestyle to develop in poverty on a distant land?
It is called surrender. She gave it all up for Jesus Christ. Not just as a one-time salvation event. Her life became a daily surrender to the working power of the Holy Spirit. She had supernatural courage and strength and wisdom because she surrendered to God’s Spirit. In 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, we see what our weapons are to fight the enemy’s attacks.
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
It is the Word of God that allows us to fight the enemy and have victory. Woman of God, we all are influenced by something other than God. Sometimes heavily influenced. Without even being aware of the power of the culture we can fall prey to satan’s plan because the worldly culture is all around us. It’s in our movies, books, music, news, and even in our friends and family. But we can take back our mindset that the views of the culture have corrupted. The Word of God is the spiritual sword, the weapon that WILL destroy the enemy’s power over you.
Our destiny here on earth is to live an abundant life. Why would t we want that? Why would we as Gods chosen daughters do anything else but surrender and use the power He has provided for us.
Let me explain how this can happen. I have a sword on the table beside me right now. I got it out of my
Playroom where my grandsons keep their toys at my house. It looks like a real sword. But when I pick it up it’s too light. Too flimsy to work as a real sword. If I see to come after the enemy with this plastic toy, he would laugh at me and consider me a fool for even threatening him with it. If I were to have an actual steel sword, sharp and powerful he would laugh even harder. Why? Because those are useless weapons against a spiritual enemy. They are not a threat to the devil!
ridiculous. But we try. With our steel blades of confidence. The dagger of toughness. The blades of education and experience. Let me clear this up for you.
The ONLY force that will work against the evil around you is the power of God inside you. Do you not know that you have this kind of power? Well, woman, wake up!
Wake up and call on the Power in the Name of Jesus.
Come alive and live this abundant life of overcoming evil by the Power of Jesus Christ. My example and yours are I influencing the generations coming behind us.
You know what we must do.
Surrender to God.
Here’s how:
- Let Go and Let God. Let your control over the situation and sin and surrender it to God. None of us like to surrender but we all do it. When I get on a plane to fly off on a ministry trip, I do not question the pilot. I sure see yo his expertise to handle a situation way above my pay grade. When I had surgery to remove a skin cancer from my cheek, I surrendered to the expertise of the surgeon. I had full confidence in his skill to do the job. Do your children know you as a controlling woman or a surrendered one? Do they see you needing the expert- God?
- Let Go of Worry and Take Hold of Faith. For some of us, if worry were an Olympic sport, we would win a gold medal. It’s how so many women just operate their lives. Jesus tells us we can’t solve anything by worrying. “Whatever is going to happen will happen whether you worry or not.” Practical truth in those few words.
Here’s another: “Worrying works! I tell you, 90% of the things I worry about never happen!”
Why don’t we just surrender it to our Omnipotent Father God? Pray More. Worry Less.
Write this on a notecardand put it on your mirror or steering wheel.
“Who among you fears the Lord
and obeys the word of his servant?
Let the one who walks in the dark,
who has no light,
trust in the name of the Lord
and rely on their God.” Isaiah 50:10.
- Let Go of the Past and Allow God to Heal Your Heart. You can’t have peace and keep reliving the pain from your past. I know. I’ve done that. God has graciously forgiven me for my past failures. To continue to beat myself up for stupid mistakes is not how I show the joy over my salvation. I cannot know Gods peace when I go over and over in my mind the way people have hurt me God has graciously forgiven my past and gives me all I need to forgive those who have hurt me. I need to surrender to His healing. God’s Word says
“Forget all that! It is nothing compared to what I’m about to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you
Not see it?” Isaiah 43:18
- Let Go of Willfulness and Surrender to God’s Command.
“Surrendered people obey God even when it doesn’t make sense.” Preached Michael Wood, pastor of First Baptist, right here in West Monroe, Louisiana.
When I live in disobedience to God’s Ways I am hurt most of all. I will have no peace. I will have no power.
It’s a big deal to disobey God. Not only do I hurt my life, I also hurt those I love by my disobedience. And here’s the deal. My lack of obedience to God is a victory for Satan. Think about that.
Loyal, faithful obedience and surrender to God provides me with the Power to overcome the evil one. Victory is in Jesus Christ. Jesus gives me the powerful authority to tell satan to go take a hike! Be brave woman of God.
Saturate you’re mind with God’s Word.
Surround yourself with godly friends.
Serve your family, your husband, your friends by loving them as Jesus does.
Surrender again. It’s a daily commitment.
Take the power God will give you to fight Spiritual battles with Spiritual weapons. Do not stand by and allow the devil to take your children, your family, your marriage. Stand up for God’s Ways. Stand up against evil. Do not be a weak, wimpy woman who falls down and cowers at satan’s attacks. Say with a powerful VOICE of the Spirit of God within you to the devil: You will not get my children. You will not get my husband. You will not get my family or my marriage! You will not get me! Not on my watch.
Remember this:
You and I cannot do this on our own. But with God – we can. We can Live Victoriously as strong, God-following, Jesus- Saved, Bible-believing, Trusting Women.
Tell God right now:
I surrender All.

Martha Garrett
Thank you both for your dedication to such a wonderful and most needed project for all of us Grands. May God Bless you both.
Martha Garrett
Shellie Tomlinson
You are most welcome, Martha! We hope to continue to be a blessing to you!