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You Can Do It, You Can!

I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

When most people think of the word “powerful”, they think of a hurricane or perhaps a Suma wrestler. If you have ever seen a tiny mom who, with the snap of a finger, can control four kids, then you know what powerful really is. 

Power comes from having an inner confidence in one’s ability to accomplish great things. On most days, your job as mom can sap the energy from you faster than a two year old can drain a sippy cup and you don’t feel very powerful. As a matter of fact, on some days you just want to let the kids take over the house while you curl up in the crib for a two hour nap. Not possible. 

Think of your mind and body as a sippy cup and just like you fill up that cup umpteen times a day, you can refuel also. How? I’m too tired to move! Then don’t. Sit, but pick up an exciting book and read for ten minutes or study the book of Philippians or put on some red lipstick or walk around the block. There are a number of things you can do to get your mind and body going again. The point is you have to get going. Your children are counting on you to be the powerful mom that God intends for you to be. You don’t have to be of hurricane strength every day, but you have to at least be a wind strong enough to allow your “family boat” to sail. 

No child expects perfect. That’s something we put on ourselves. Children are good if their basics needs—food, shelter, and clothing—are meant. It doesn’t have to be the perfect dinner or the neatest house or the cutest clothes; your child just needs you supplying what he/she needs, and then, throw in lots of love and hugs. 

You’ve got this! Even on days when you don’t think you do, you do! Like Bob the Builder—You Can Do It! God has equipped you for the job. 

Hugs, Chrys


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