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Who are you wearing?

Ah…the interesting universe of Hollywood and the mega rich. There are many things celebrities do, say, and wear that I find off putting, to say the least. But there are other things about their world that strike me as strange, or funny. Or both. For the sake of this current award season, I’d like to explore their red carpet moments and the odd habit they– and the reporters that are tripping all over them– have of describing the clothes they’ve chosen to wear for the big night.

“Who are you wearing?” a gushing reporter will ask.

And the poised and smiling star will answer, “Kors! I’m wearing Kors!” It’s not unusual to hear someone exclaim, “She wears him well.”

Being a word person, and a visual one at that, this causes me to picture the star wobbling down the carpet in her high-priced heels with said fashion designer physically draped around her body. Yes, I know. I’m a simple girl. More so than you realize. I had to Google top fashion designer to the stars just now to insert a plausible name into my imaginary scene. True story.

Because this clothes thing has fascinated me for some time, and because I’m an easy laugh, I have a recurring joke I usually post during the Grammy’s or Oscars, or any other time when the entertainment industry is all into who someone is wearing.

“I’m wearing Levi,” I’ll post to social media. “And my man is wearing Carhart. And you?”

My readers get me so they’re usually quick to play along and I have a blast joking with them. But let’s switch gears a moment to something that shouldn’t be taken lightly by any of us. The Word of God says that believers have literally put on Jesus, that we are each clothed in Christ. While the stars may celebrate the name of a mere mortal draped about their bodies, I’d like to celebrate the name I wear that is above all others. Jesus, sweet Jesus. One day every knee will bow to this name. May it be said that those of us who wear Him, wear Him well.

IMAGE CREDITS: Creator:Pascal Le Segretain Credit:Getty Images Copyright:2016 Getty Images

Hugs, Shellie


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