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What the Coronavirus has taught US

How crazy is it that what you are experiencing, at home, everyone in the world is as well?

I guess it’s been since a world war that this has happened and, even that, isn’t quite the same. While in a war, everyone might be touched by the effects of the war, the experience is different depending on where you live, if your family has someone fighting, or if your country is heavily involved. But, this thing, this corona virus, has touched all of us in the same way. 

We have friends in Australia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, New Zealand, England, and Canada and, as we talk to them, we truly get a sense that we’re in this together. Their day to day worries and concerns are ours. Their limited activities are ours. Their hopes for the future are ours. It brings us together in a way nothing in the past has done. I recently viewed the wedding pictures of a sweet friend in Australia who couldn’t even have her family at her wedding. I talked to a friend in the Dominican whose American wife was home for a visit and now cannot come back to him in the Dominican. I texted back and forth with a college student friend in England who has no idea what the rest of her college career will look like. And, I talk daily with my daughter in another state who is doing just what we’re doing in Louisiana, making the best of a difficult situation—only going to the grocery store when necessary, playing games with her kids at home, working on her computer as much as possible. 

This great, big beautiful world we live in today has gotten smaller because of the internet. Being able to see what is happening to our friends abroad and at home has helped us stay focused on our shared mission of “getting through” this difficult time with a shared sense of purpose. Our goal—keeping as people free of corona virus as possible. 

But, as I listen to the activities and needs of all my friends, I realized this virus has brought us some things that are good. It has caused us to do things we were putting off. It has allowed us time to regroup and refocus with those we love the most. It has given us opportunities to see the world in a different way. Whether we like it or not, everything experience teaches us something and corona virus is no different. So, I came up with an acronym of things we’ve done or shared or seen during this crazy time. 

C aring for those who are in need, while C alling on the great physician.

O rganizing drawers, closets, garages, cars, EVERYTHING.

R eading books and magazines that have previously laid untouched on side tables.

O pening mail with gloves on or after it is sprayed down with Lysol. 

N ormalizing words like social distancing, self-isolation, quarantine, shelter in place, stay at home.

A nalyzing everything the President, Speaker, Governor, V-President and all Public Health officials say.

V irtually experiencing all manner of things including weddings, birthdays, graduations, engagements, dance parties, sing-alongs.

I magining life before and after the pandemic and posting about it.

R eclaiming some valuable family time. 

U rging others to stay at home!

S etting an example of strength, courage and bravery for our children, while helping them cope with life during a pandemic (something none of us have done either). 

In your spare time, you might make your own acronym or get your kids to do it. It’s a great brain exercise. 

Have a great day! We’re praying for each of you to stay safe, stay away from others (for now) and keep being the rocking example you are to your family.

Hugs, Chrys


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