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We Might Be Limited, But God Never Is

Our family travels to the Dominican Republic every year on a mission trip. I hesitate to use the words “mission trip” to describe our time in the Dominican because we have worked with the same orphanage for twelve years. The children are now our family. So, instead of mission trip I like to call it a family reunion. 

This is the first year in many years that we will not be going to see our family in the Dominican. It’s a sad time on many levels as all of us are still adjusting to our new normal. But, I am thankful that technology has changed in the twelve years we’ve been traveling to see these kiddos. We now can facetime and text them anytime. Something most of us were just figuring out ten years ago. We’ve been able to keep up with them and let them know they are loved and prayed for. What a blessing that is!

One of the young men we’ve come to love with all of our hearts is

Luis Alberto. He was eleven when we first met him and spoke no English. Over the years, he’s taught himself English and last summer, Luis was our interpreter as we spent the week teaching and playing with our children there. In fact, he now teaches English to the other children in the home and is the interpreter for other mission efforts to the area. 

I recently read this quote, “God equips in spite of our limitations. Our excuses don’t limit or impress God.” Luis Alberto, in spite of every disadvantage has been put to work for God. Instead of using an excuse, of which he had many, he said “yes,” and God found a way. Beyond all that I have already mentioned about Luis, he is now a student at Liberty University, pursuing a college degree. That part came with the help of others who saw in Luis a desire to keep striving to be the best he could be. You see, Luis, has no papers. He is Haitian, but he lives in the Dominican and, with no papers, he has no rights to anything. Many years ago, we wanted to take Luis out of the country and allow him to attend a college in America, but he can’t travel without papers. So, a team of people went to work to get him the papers he would need to leave the country. In the meantime, my daughter, Korie Robertson, went to work getting him enrolled in Liberty University online where he is thriving in his college work. But, another God-thing happened. Luis met an amazing young American lady who had a heart for missions and they fell in love. This amazing couple now work together in the DR, teaching English and working with the orphanage. 

Luis is living proof of what God can do with and without the help of His followers on earth. We’re so sad we can’t spend some time with our family in the DR this summer, but we know that will not stop God from working. God’s work isn’t dependent on us; He just allows us the opportunity to help Him from time to time. 

As I sat on my couch on a recent Saturday morning, I thought about what the day would hold. I thought about all the things I couldn’t do that day because Covid-19 has shut us all down. On a typical Saturday, I might have been in another country or getting dressed to watch a sporting event or preparing for a party at my house or running to the store for a wedding gift or a baby shower or a million other things, but on this Saturday, I was sitting on the couch, wondering how God could use me. 

Then I remembered Luis and how God works in spite of our limitations, sometime because of them. We all might be limited right now, but God is never limited and He will open doors we never dreamed could be opened if we just asked and keep our eyes open. 

Here’s to a great week.

Hugs, Chrys


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