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Two Weeks and Still Rocking

Two weeks of quarantine nearly past us with two more (predicted) to go. I have to admit, my “to do” list isn’t getting done, not all of it, at least. I’ve found that when there is no predicted deadline, things get pushed to the back. I find myself saying, “It doesn’t matter. I’ll do it tomorrow” way more than I thought I would. And, some of the things on my list, well, they just can’t happen because I did not properly put in my head the degree of the quarantine. For instance, on my list, was “make things needed for camp this summer”. The only problem is Hobby Lobby is not open for business. In the first few days of our quarantine, there was a glimmer of hope (at least in my head) that stores would stay open. And, I vowed to take all the piles of used clothes in my closet to the thrift store. Silly me. The thrift store isn’t open. Now just the thought of any store being open sounds like crazy talk, but we had not experienced anything like this, so how were we to properly think about it?? It’s been a daily education, hasn’t it?

I don’t have little kids at home so I’m not even touched by the homework issues, which I know are huge, since I’m a former teacher. But, I now have a Zoom account, as do most of working people who have to get in touch with each other. And I have Zencaster, which is a podcast program so I can continue to do podcasts when asked. And I downloaded TiK Tok, so I can see all my grandkids funny videos. So, while my closet still has piles of clothes on the floor, my computer and phone is hard at work. 

On the food front, we are managing. I am no Shellie Tomlinson with cookbooks credited to my name, but I can put food on the table. Last night it was fried okra, seasoned rice, street corn, roasted broccoli and cornbread. We don’t eat meat, so no meat included. Not bad. Tonight’s supper is still up for grabs. Since I’m not a foodie, I don’t think about it until about 45 minutes to eat time. Maybe breakfast for supper. Haven’t done that yet.

We’re blessed in our neighborhood for sure. We have plenty of space to roam and see each other without getting close. We’re often outside yelling to our neighbors or fishing across the pond from some of them. The teens in the neighborhood (not our kids) are getting a little restless. 2 papa had to warn them about riding four-wheelers on the street. Sorry, kids, not legal, even in Louisiana. When 2 papa stopped them, their answer was, “We don’t have anything else to do.” Yikes! Not a good reason, even if we do get it. I can hear my mom saying, “Well, this isn’t it! Find something else to do or I’ll find something for you to do.” 

We’re all a little thrown off our game right now. I was talking to my granddaughers yesterday as they were driving to the boyfriend’s lake house to continue the quarantine. They were saying how bizarre it all feels, like it’s not real, but it is very real. They told me they had scrubbed their house from top to bottom. Yes, there are so good things that will come out of this craziness.

I wanted to tell you about our family picnic we had the other day. We’re still being very careful to maintain our distance from different households, but wanted something to look forward to so we planned a picnic. I made each person a separate sack dinner complete with their name and some positive words on the front of the sack. Korie sat up some picnic tables appropriately distanced from each other and we laid out several blankets. It turned out to be a beautiful day, so we all got our fishing poles and had a fishing contest. Our pond isn’t very big but it’s plenty big to give us separate spaces. Even my mom got in on the fun and was thrilled that she could still cast a rod and reel. (We never doubted she could do it!) 









This is something you can do wherever you are. It could be a neighborhood picnic or a family picnic or whatever. Just remember to set the boundaries with blankets or table. Everyone could bring their own sack lunch or dinner. You don’t have to provide, but it was fun and we’re family. 

I pray each of you are safe and well and this virus goes on its way soon. Love you all. 

Keep rocking.

Hugs, Chrys


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