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Simple Hints to Make the Holiday MORE Fun

Merry Christmas friends! I love to do the “little things” that make the month more fun, so I prepared another list for you. Sure do pray that you and your family enjoy your time together and keep the main thing the main thing. Love you all!

Go ahead and put some candy canes on the kitchen counter or your office at work. It makes the season fill more festive! If you have time, tie a little message or scripture to each one. If not, just the Declare a day as “Christmas Sweater Day” either at work or with your friends or family. Take lots of pics and enjoy the fun!

Get a candle that brings the smell of Christmas to your home. Who wouldn’t love to walk into a house that smells like an apple pie is in the oven?

Plan a party for your friends but make it easy on everyone. Consider having all guests bring cookies for a cookie party or you offer to make the main dish (still simple, like a potato bar or breakfast foods) and let others bring side and desserts.

Look for a super deal on small hand lotions or candles and treat all your coworkers to a “Christmas happy”. Tie on a red bow and make someone’s day!

Look through your phone pics (who doesn’t have a million of them?) and print some pics from Christmas past and put them all over the house. Sweet memories make any day better! It’s so easy with Walgreen’s online to send the pics and pick them up the same day.

Your best gift during the holiday season is your smile! Remember all store owners and workers are under a lot of stress during the season, so brighten their day. All it takes is a kind word and a smile!

December is the time to “do ahead of time” anything that can be done ahead of time. Shopping, cooking, wrapping—it all must be done, along with your regular jobs. So, knock some of them off your list as you do your regular stuff. At the grocery store anyway? Why not slide in that ham for Christmas Day and put it in the freezer? At Walgreens getting a prescription? Hop over to the candy aisle and get treats for your coworkers.

If you’re not a regular Christian music listener, this is the perfect time to challenge yourself to listen to a Christian channel all month. I promise, it will lift your spirits and make your day go more smoothly.

Even if you don’t have littles in a Christmas program at school or church, borrow one. LOL, but seriously, there is nothing sweeter than children singing about Jesus. You’ll feel like you just landed in a Hallmark movie.


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