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Shellie’s Banana Pudding

Who doesn’t need a scratch banana pudding recipe, right? I can whip this one up in my sleep, (and my darling husband would eat it in his!) My banana pudding recipe came from my mama, and her mama, and, well I don’t know how far back it goes after that, but it’s already being handed down the line below me. Try it. I have a feeling it will stay in your lineage, too!




Shellie’s Scratch Banana Pudding

1 and 3/4 cup sugar

5 tablespoons self-rising flour

3 cups milk

4 eggs yolks, well beaten

6-8 bananas, chopped

1 stick butter (no margarine, puuleeasse)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine sugar, flour, eggs, and milk in a microwave safe bowl. (I did this on the stove top for yearsssss, but it’s not necessary!) Cook three to four minutes at a time, stirring in between, until you get the consistency of pudding you prefer. For me, that’s about 8-9 minutes. (I think. Oh, mercy, y’all. I do this stuff on auto-pilot! Just watch your pudding and let it tell you when it’s ready. Once it looks right to you, stir in butter and vanilla extract.

Now, spread a layer of vanilla wafers on the bottom of a pretty bowl. Top with a layer of bananas and then a layer of pudding. Repeat until you’re out of bananas and pudding. (This isn’t rocket science, y’all. Sometimes I pass on the layering and just do one layer each of wafers, bananas, and pudding and call it done! They still eat it!) Top with cool whip or homemade *meringue and finish with crushed wafers.

*Homemade meringue isn’t hard either. I did use Cool Whip today because I literally had to– I had been on a Zoom conference call and was smack out of time. Otherwise, I would’ve gone all homemade. You can do it. Just take your four egg whites and blend them until they get frothy. Then add two tablespoons of sugar per egg white and beat until a stiff peak forms. Once you top your pudding with the meringue you’ll need to brown it slightly under the broiler to deal with those raw eggs!



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