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Sharing the Sweetest of Secrets

Relationships can be wonderful. Relationships can be painful. And God is faithful through it all.

I’ve found one of the great secrets of life is to take anything we think we’re needing from people, offer it to God, and watch Him repurpose it for our good and His glory. Let me offer you a few examples.

Do you crave a closer bond with a family member than feels distant? It’s a given that our first moves should be to reconcile any differences we’re aware of and make restitution where it’s needed. But what do you do after that? What if there is no division to speak of but the other person simply doesn’t seem to want the same closeness you’re longing for in the relationship? Draw near to God. Recognize that He longed for us and proved it at the Cross. Give thanks for Jesus making a way for us, closing the distance for us, and use your words to bless His heart and watch Him fill the hole in yours.

Are you feeling unappreciated? Turn your thoughts to appreciating Jesus. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 Use your words when you’re feeling under-appreciated. Tell the Lord what you’re feeling. Get it all out! And then let your emotions rest there as you make a choice to turn your thoughts to gratitude for Who God is and what He has done for us in Jesus.  See if Father God doesn’t meet you in that moment! I’ve found Him faithful to remove the stings that are a part of living in relationship with other people if I will give up nursing the wound and invite Him to change my perspective.

Does it seem like no one understands how you feel? They don’t. Not exactly, anyway.

Proverbs 14: 10 tells us, “Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.” That means no other human can totally understand our joy or our sorrow.

Support groups can be vitally important and Christian friendship is indispensable. I’m treading very tenderly here, but this is the strongest example I can think of to illustrate my point. While two grieving mothers can commiserate with one another and be a great help to the other because they share a similar loss, each have had different children with different personalities and different relationships with those children that make their grief experiences particularly unique.

I’m not asking us to withdraw into our shells. We need each other. But let’s quit spinning our wheels trying to make someone else understand our situation, our pain, our hopes and our dreams when we can take those feelings to the One who knows the thoughts on our lips before we frame them into words.

Let’s turn our minds to the Lord, quit trying to get others to understand us and ask God to give us understanding of Him!  It’s a beautiful trade-up, and He is worthy of the exchange!Hugs,



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