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Sharing the Grandest Words of Them All

My oldest grandchild is very observant. I’ve learned to recognize his pensive look that means a question is coming, and it’s going to be a lot deeper than, “Can I have a snack?”

Such was the case as Grant and his little brother sat at my breakfast table consuming cinnamon rolls and blackberries. I noticed Grant’s dark brown eyes were simultaneously scanning the room. I saw his eyes settle on a decorative accessory embellished with the words “Love so free” and carrying the Scripture reference, Ephesians 2:8.

“Keggie,” Grant finally said. “You have a lot of Jesus stuff in your house.”

I agreed with Grant and we grinned at each other. “You want to know why, don’t you?” Grant’s affirmative nod led to a great theological discussion on the most elementary level, which is precisely how I like to relate all things Jesus anyway.

I explained to Grant that I loved Jesus and I liked to think about His words all the time and talk to Him all day long. I told Grant that a lot of time I talked to Jesus even when I was talking to other people. “For instance,” I said. “Sometimes while you’re telling me a story, I’m thanking Jesus for giving you such a sharp mind.”

This puzzled Grant the Thinker. “But, Keggie,” my grandson protested, “Can you hear what I’m saying if you’re talking to Jesus?”

“Absolutely,” I said. “Actually, listening to Jesus helps me hear you even better.”

My answer seemed to satisfy Grant and that made me happy. I never feel like I can adequately explain the concept of holding Jesus in my thoughts to an adult, let alone breaking down such a big idea in terms my young grandchildren can understand. I’m always searching for better words to describe the settled joy I’ve found in doing daily life with Jesus instead of saying my prayers and then relegating any further pursuit of God to the next devotional or worship service. One day, I hope to effectively expound on the glory of finding God in the Marvelous Mundane. In the meantime, I’ll keep posting His words for all to see.

That’s our challenge, Rockstars, to do all we can to try and articulate for our loved ones the unparalleled soul peace of a life spent in relationship with God. Will we always feel super equipped and confident that we’re excelling in this precious goal? Probably not! But the more we search for the right words, the better communicators we become! And thankfully, we can learn how to share Christ by nourishing ourselves in God’s Word and using Scripture as the steady foundation of our lessons. Our words might be fuzzy, but His words “are life to all who find them”, Proverbs 4:22.

Hugs, Shellie


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