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Season of Gratitude

My grands understand heroes and superpowers. Tie a cape (a.k.a. bath towel) around their shoulders and their imaginations will take it from there. I particularly love the way they choose their superpower on the spot and fall into the role like they’re born to it, and I’m trying to learn from their example.

See, I’ve come to believe that gratitude is a superpower, and I can choose to slip it on, just like my littles reach for a cape. What’s more, this special superpower comes with immediate dividends. Gratitude can dispel pity parties, slay worries, and soar over anxiety with a single bound!

The incredible power of living thanksgiving is one reason why I dearly love to see the calendar turn to November, and the world’s focus turn to what we do have before we start trying to accumulate that much more. Thanksgiving has long been one of my hands-down favorite holidays, and I’m so grateful, pun intended, that this season of gratitude has proven more resistant to the trappings of commercialism than our other celebrations. May it always be, right?! Chrys wrote some beautiful words on Thanksgiving here.

In the spirit of the season, I’ve created a little Thanksgiving gift for one and all! FREE printables! You can find them by following me to my corner of the web, and while you’re there, you can read about my annual focus on living giving.  I’ve love for you to slip on your gratitude superpower and join me!

You can find the printables at :

Hugs, Shellie


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