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Pick up and it won’t Pile up

Good stuff happens when you invite a group of family and friends to sit down around your table and share a meal. Be that sandwiches with chips and dip, or a four-course meal with all the trimmings, it’s about much more than the food. We all love tasteful cuisine, but the stories that happen when we gather together, these are the special ingredients that create lasting memories.  

The challenge is slowing our busy selves down long enough to get together with those we love. Am I right? For me, that means if I want to nourish the relationships in my life that matter the most, long range planning is out of the question. Unless it’s a big holiday meal, I rarely– if ever– plan a gathering further than a few days in advance. I’m far more likely to decide Saturday evening that I want to have company for Sunday lunch!

Of course, impromptu gatherings can come with their own challenges, but for me, a messy house is never one of them. A bit of light housekeeping, like sweeping traffic areas and wiping down countertops, and I’m ready to think menu. 

You might be wondering if I’m a clean freak, or if I have a maid who does the heavy lifting. I can assure you neither is true. I simply had a mother who taught me the “Pick up and it won’t pile up” rule. I named my mom The Queen of Us All in my first humor book and the title took. Our Queen has enjoyed a long reign as our family matriarch and as far back as I can remember, “pick it up and it won’t pile up” has been her kingdom decree.   

In short, Mama’s rule is a way of keeping house where we train ourselves (and our kids, spouses, etc.) to return things to their proper place as soon as we’re through with them, instead of letting things pile up around us. Like any other positive habit, learning to clean and put away as you go takes time and repetition. But, stay the course. An orderly home pays big dividends in soul peace. And the bonus? You’re always ready to get your party on! 

Hugs, Shellie

  • Trudy Kiggans


    Wow! A page for Grandmas! I am thankful for your fabulous new website to encourage us grannies to be encouragers.

    October 29, 2019
  • Shellie Tomlinson


    Hi, Trudy! Your enthusiasm is such a blessing this morning. We hope you’ll love being a part of this community! Hugs, Shellie

    October 29, 2019

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