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Modeling The God-Centered Lifestyle

Can I let you in on a secret that probably isn’t? LOL By that, I mean you may have already clued in on what I’m about to tell you but let me spell it out. My buddy Chrys and I are trying to figure out this lifestyle site we call Rocking it Ground on the fly! I suspect we’re not supposed to put that out there in black and white. So says the people who live by the “Never let them see you sweat” mantra. I’m not that person. Nor is Chrys.

We started Rocking it Grand with simple goals. We wanted to encourage other grandparents to grasp the enormous impact they can have in their families by modeling a God-centered lifestyle. Not knowing how we would do this didn’t dampen our enthusiasm then, and it isn’t slowing us down now. We’re simply forging ahead, encouraging each other as we seek out ways to motivate and inspire you to be Game Changers in your generation!

Sometimes, it’s as simple as realizing that our priorities alone can impact generations. Our kids and grandkids are paying attention to where we put our time and our energies. Modeling a life of trusting in Jesus, of prioritizing God’s Word and gathering with other believers—these are some of the ways we show our kids our values. Or not.

I ran across an interesting concept called The Four Generation Fade. I don’t know who wrote this succinct breakdown or I would gladly credit them with it, but I think it should be shared far and wide. I wanted to bring it to this community because Chrys and I are discovering that parents are finding this lifestyle site as well as grandparents and the following is a good read for all of us. It’s called the Four Generation Fade

1- Parents don’t make church a priority for their kids

2- Their kids grow up and make it less of a priority for their kids

3 – Those kids make it no priority for their kids

4 – Those kids grow up with no concept of God.

But if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served, which were beyond the Euphrates River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24;15

Before I close, let me add one more encouraging note. Perhaps you’re reading these words and you’re thinking to yourself that you are doing your best to model a lifestyle of faith, but your kids and grandkids don’t seem to be listening. Please, don’t stop. Please don’t grow weary. You can’t out-faithful Father God. He hears and He answers prayers.

I had a friend tell me a story once about his praying grandmother. She wouldn’t give up on anybody in the family. Others might, but she wouldn’t. My friend asked her about a particular uncle and his wayward life and how could it be that she was still holding out hope for him? Her answer has stayed with me. “Because I take the long view,” she said. “He’s still here, and I have a winning record with every one that is still here.

Keep partnering with God for your family. Keep praying. Keep doing what You can and trust Him with your people. As hard as it is to grasp, He loves them more than we do.




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