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Living Legacy

Shellie here, with a good Word for Wednesday. Chrys and I talk a lot about legacy living. We believe we all have the potential to live out our faith in ways that mark our generations. Here’s a story for illustration.

Early this morning I picked up my parents to drive them to Mama’s cataract surgery. We ended up having a bit of excitement, just not with Mama.
Due to advanced COPD, Papa is dependent on his portable oxygen machine. Mama was in pre op when we suddenly realized Papa had forgotten to bring the charger for his oxygen pack, which has a battery life of three hours and we were well into hour number two. Operation overdrive.


My parent’s pastor had dropped by to check on them, so he quickly left for the medical supply store in search of a replacement. Meanwhile, this very kind nurse began searching for chargers across the building. She found plenty but none would fit, and by this time Pastor Butch had struck out, too.
Have you ever had a thought you knew was straight from heaven that should be obvious but isn’t until it is? That’s how I felt when I realized we could ask the staff to hook Papa up to the surgery center’s oxygen and let us turn his portable pack off until we headed home. Of course they graciously complied and all is well, which is why I can share the part of this story that moves me to write.

So, what was Papa doing the entire time we were searching for a solution to his dwindling supply of oxygen? The dedicated believer and Gideon was passing out New Testament Bibles in the waiting room to anybody who would take one. Oh, yes, he was.




We all know Papa loves God and His Word. Today I got to see it up close, again, and it has me thinking of the lyrics to one of my favorite worship songs.

This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence
Living in me
This is my daily bread
Your very word
Spoken to me



I’ve taken the time to document this story so I could share it with you, but also because it’s the type of story we’ll repeat in our family, the kind with eternal value that bears witness to our shared belief in the life-saving life-transforming grace God has shown to us in Christ. And that’s a story we’re all meant to tell! Let’s go!


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