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Life Lessons from my Grands

We’re always talking about the things we’re teaching our grands. Today, I thought it would be fun to turn the tables and discuss the things they are teaching us! I’d love for you to join me in the comments because a one-sided conversation isn’t. Get it? It’s not a conversation. You’re right. That was weak and I digress. But with that conversational goal in mind, I’m going to be short-winded and accompany my lessons with images. And no, this is not a flimsy excuse to show you more pictures of my grands from the 5thAnnual Pops and Keggie Kamp. Why, you’d see right through that! Right?


~Celebrate small victories 



~It’s fun to ham a little 



~Try new things



~Play hard when you can and crash when you can’t 



~Be teachable 



~Enjoy your elders 



Indeed, my grands are always teaching me, and I hope to be ever learning, but I’ll leave you with this one. 


~Seize the funny. That last image would be Emerson and Carlisle taking my instructions verbatim. I was preparing for their group shot with the great grandparents and checking the light. Sit here like Nanny and Papa, I told them. And so they did. 

What are your kids or grands teaching you lately?

Hugs, Shellie


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