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Keggie Dog

A conversation with four-year-old Kennedy Lee, quoted verbatim.

Kenny, “I’m gonna call you Keggie Dog.”

Me, “What? I don’t want to be Keggie Dog!”

Kenny, “Ok, then, you can be Skunk Keggie.”

Me: “I don’t want to be Skunk Keggie, either!”

Kenny, “You gotta have a nickname.”

Me, “Keggie IS my nickname. My real name is Shellie.”

Kenny thinks a second.

“Nope. You’re gonna have to choose one of mine.”

I went with Keggie Dog. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean, what would you have done.

And while we’re on the subject, let’s have some fun today! The last time we asked this question was a few years back when we launched Rocking it Grand and we have new friends with us now. So…We want to hear YOUR grandmother name. Who’s here? Nana’s? Gigi’s? Weigh in, friends.


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