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Keeping up with the Grands

I’ve always exercised, even though my habits are cyclical. Sometimes I exercise more, sometimes less, but I never go for long seasons without getting back to some form of exercise. That said, I’ll state the obvious. Getting in shape and staying in shape gets harder as we age.  (I can hear the amen corner now!) It’s why I’m always looking for an edge, and an edge is exactly what I’ve found in my new Aeroski!

I found the Aeroski during my search for a piece of cardio equipment that would be easy on the knees. Years of basketball and tennis have taken their toll! My goal was to find something that would allow me to get my exercise fix without putting more wear on my achy knees. The Aeroski seemed to fit the bill.

Here’s how the Aeroski website describes this piece of exercise equipment: Aeroski 2.0 is a lightweight, easy to assemble and affordable home fitness machine that emulates the movement of downhill skiing. Its unique and versatile design is made to provide the benefits of this demanding and adventurous sport and the rush of being in the alpines, all in the comfort of your own living room.

As far as exercise equipment goes, the Aeroski is very affordable. The website is running a Spring Sale that has it at $375. I’ve had my Aeroski for several months now, and I’m ready to report on its promises. Bad news first. I can’t say I get the rush of being in the alpines when I’m using my Aeroski. The virtual reality goggles that came with my machine haven’t lived up to their billing. The company does say they’re working out the bugs there, and perhaps they have. I can’t say. I haven’t stopped to return mine and ask for a replacement, so that’s on me and not the company.  But, on with the review.

Other than the virtual reality goggles, I love my Aeroski. My husband and I assembled it in about thirty minutes time, and it’s proven to be easy to learn. There are stabilizing poles for balance if needed, but I found myself quickly moving to the handsfree stage, which allows me to hold hand-weights while skiing. And, yes, the motion does indeed mimic that of downhill skiing! But, the best part for me is being able to use it without feeling the least bit of stress on my knees! That’s a win! Now, should it build up the muscles around my knees and thus reduce their overall discomfort, I’d call it a win/win, but the jury is still out on that call! I’ll get back to you

Whatever we can do to keep moving, it’s wise for us Rockstars to make the effort. There’s a lot of truth to the old saying, “Move it or lose it!” As believers, we also recognize that our bodies are temples, dwelling places for God, and we’re expected to take care of them. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. I Cor. 6:19

Bonus? Staying active helps us keep up with these precious grands and their endless energy! Right? Right! Of course, you don’t have to get an Aeroski to get healthy. I just wanted to report! A simple consistent walking plan can be all you need. The goal is to move that body. With that said, I’ll leave you with a few reminders that help me stay active.

1. Find activities you enjoy.

2. Set achievable goals.

3. Remember that every movement matters.

Hugs, Shellie


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