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It’s Back to School (Well, Sort of…)

As a former teacher, I have watched the news of school’s opening with great interest. I’m sure some of my interest is in thanksgiving that I’m not having to make all those decisions about masks and pods and lunches and six feet and disinfectant and…it’s enough to drive you crazy!!!

If you follow me, you know I direct a summer camp, so we made all of those decisions all summer long. I’m beyond happy to report that we had 0 cases of Covid after having around 600 campers and 70 staff members. Praise the Lord!!

But, now it’s time for school. I had my usual back-to-school dinner with my grandkids and sent seven of them off to college this year. That’s also crazy!!! I have two still at the Christian school where most of them have attended, one is in high school in another state and I have four who are actively adults now and are not in school. (My three great-grands are babies, so we’re a few years away from starting this whole process over, but it will go by fast!)

Back to my “I was a former teacher” platform, I want to applaud all the new homeschool moms who are tackling something different this year. You can do it! I also want to applaud all the administrators who have worked tirelessly to put curriculum on line and make sure their school facilities are safe. And, of course, I want to thank all the teachers who get up every morning and do what they have always done—lead, guide, and educate our young people. WOW! You are amazing!

If you haven’t had time to celebrate “back to school” with your grands, here are some ideas for you. 

  1. Whether on line or in person, gather them up for a “highlights” party. If you are able to do this in person, have your grands over for dinner or dessert with the intention of hearing two great things that have already happened since school started. If you have to do this on line, maybe you could venmo (Look it up. It really is easy.) money to them and tell them to go get ice cream, then facetime you for a “highlight” chat. 
  2. Show some school spirit with an indoor-tailgate party. This takes a little work, but it’s fun! Decorate your kitchen in the school’s colors. Hang streamers, put up posters (Go Eagles!), blow up balloons and then serve some hot dogs or hamburgers, bags of chips and ice cream sandwiches. The kids will love it and be convinced you’re the coolest grandma EVER!
  3. Freaky Friday Night. Pick a Friday night for school age grands to spend the night and announce it’s Freaky Friday. Have pencil and paper set up and let them be the teacher and teach you some reading, writing and arithmetic. Don’t forget recess. Run outside and play four square or Simon Says or Hide and Seek. 
  4. If you don’t have grands that live close by, find a family with school age kids and surprise them early one morning with muffins. Now, you’re not only the coolest grandma ever, you’re the best neighbor EVER!
  5. One more back to school idea. Let’s not forget the teachers. I know these are your grands, not your kids. You lived through doing “teacher stuff” when your kids were little, but aren’t you just as grateful to have amazing teachers for your grandkids. And, it seriously makes their day to be thought of. The easiest thing is to send a Starbuck’s gift card with a little note that says, “Thanks for loving my grandchild! This might help you power through when you need it. You’re awesome!”

Well, I hope this helps you think through some fun things to do with your school-agers. I’m always trying to connect with my grands and, I have to tell you, now that I have the “adulating” grandkids, I think it’s paid off because I am often included in their family events, texts, phone calls, etc. It does take a little work, but it’s so worth it.

Have a great week.


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