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Ice Cream Balls (The Perfect Year Round Treat)

This sounds like a summer treat, but it works great year-round, so don’t shy away from it in the fall. My mom used to make these delicious treats when I was a teenager, and I loved them every time she made them. Big confession here, I’m not a big ice cream eater, but this ice cream covered in a cinnamon-peanut butter mixture takes ice cream to a whole new level! They can be a little tricky to make, but the fact that I am doing them tells you they aren’t that hard. As we all know, Shellie is the cook on this platform, but every now and then, I come through with a good one and it’s usually because my mother made it. So here we go:


Vanilla ice cream (I use Blue Bell, but your favorite will do)

Cinamon graham crackers-about 1 cup crushed

Walnuts—roasted in the oven-about ½ cup

Peanut Butter-1/2 cup

1 jar of hot fudge

What to do:

Put graham crackers in a Ziplock bag and crush them with a rolling pin or round drinking glass

Put in a large bowl and add walnuts and peanut butter (You may have to use your hands to get a good mix.)

Everything from here on out must be done quickly so the ice cream doesn’t melt. You can eye-ball-it to get the ice cream ball size, but it should be smaller than a tennis ball but bigger than a golf ball. (Really, can’t go wrong here.) Once you have a ball, quickly roll it in the mixture and put it on a pan that you will put in the freezer. (You can usually do only one, maybe two at a time, then put in the freezer.) 

This mixture should make about 16 balls. (If you aren’t having that many for dinner, just keep them in the freezer for snacks the rest of the week. YUM!) Keep the ice cream balls in the freezer until you serve them. They should be good and hard 30 minutes to an hour after making them. (I made mine the night before the event to save time.)

Heat the hot fudge as directed and drizzle it on a plate. Put the ice cream ball in the center of the plate and serve. Then wait for the compliments to pour in!

Helpful Hint: The ice cream is COLD! If you have some rubber gloves, it’s helpful or keep the warm water going to warm up your hands.) 

Hugs, Chrys


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