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Howard Family Legacy of Principles for Living

I posted about our family legacy and the principles we strive to follow and many have asked to see the entire list, so I thought I would just post it here. This started out on a family vacation when our children (Korie, Ryan and Ashley) were young. 

My husband felt like it would be a good way to help our children understand the value of living a life that honors themselves, our family heritage, and God. It was a life modeled for us in our parents and we wanted to hand down to our children. But we didn’t just want to tell them or even show them; we wanted them to acknowledge it themselves and recognize the importance of such a life. So, we determined to sit down at some point on every family vacation and add to our “list” of principles for living. For the most part the kids were so great about out “list” time, but I can remember a few rolled eyes during their teen years about the sit down. Still, l we persevered, and our list grew to 58 principles. We never intended to lord the list over their heads, but we wanted them to have verbalize at some point the merits of a Godly life. 

For Christmas this year, we did not do gifts as we took the entire family to Disney to celebrate our 50th anniversary. So, for the “no gift” I created a word art of the principles and presented it to each member of the family. I’ve promised to never comment if I don’t see it hanging in their houses, but something tells me it will be there somewhere.

I hope what we did with our family inspires you in some way. I never dreamed I would share this idea on a platform like this and social media. This wasn’t even a thought back in 1980 when we started this journey, but I’m honored to be asked to do so. 

Hugs, Chrys 

Howard Family Legacy of Principles for Living

 1. Actions have consequences; you reap what you sow. What you do does affect others. “I am responsible.”

2. Respect God.

3. Family is important; there should be mutual respect and consideration within the family.

4. Respect government. Salute the position if not the person.

5. Respect your employer. Salute the position if not the person.

6. Do your duty. Some things we must do, like it or not.

7. Have faith. Trust God no matter what happens.

8. Be reverent. Worship God with all your soul, strength, and mind.

9. You have significance. You are made in the image of God.

10. We all have opportunity and the potential to do great things (risk/reward concept).

11. Be content. Happiness should not depend on your circumstances. Let it come from within.

12. Be self-disciplined. You shouldn’t have to be told to control yourself.

13. Have courage. God will always be there. Take godly risks. You must step out and try things that are good.

14. Be responsible—and respond properly to your responsibilities.

15. You are not an owner but a manager. Treat all possessions as such. Give the owner (God) a fair return on His investment.

16. It’s better to have little and be in Jesus than to have much and lose eternal life.

17. Be flexible.

18. Keep your priorities straight. Make first things first.

19. Recognize individual differences and accept them. Be tolerant and patient.

20. Practice active listening.

21. Be a good sharer; confess your sins, your fears, and your victories.

22. Have a sense of humor and use it correctly. Don’t make fun of others.

23. Be a balanced individual. Have a balanced life.

24. Be committed to God, family, and others.

25. Always have a positive attitude and a can-do spirit.

26. Have a good prayer life. It will help you through every problem.

27. Have a healthy lifestyle. Take care of your body. Eat right and get plenty of good exercise.

28. Have an urgency for the lost.

29. Never stop learning. Get a good education and study on your own for the rest of your life.

30. Practice what you preach.

31. Don’t be selfish or self-indulgent.

32. Be considerate of others and their belongings. Respect their privacy.

33. Persevere. Never give up. Be diligent.

34. Never hurt people’s feelings.

35. Remember that people are more important than things.

36. Be honest and truthful. Doing what is right is never wrong!

37. Be hospitable. Open your home to others.

38. Be benevolent. Help those less fortunate. Be willing to share anything you have. Be compassionate.

39. Focus on the eternal not the temporary.

40. Don’t be afraid to be different.

41. All you need is love; love your neighbor as yourself.

42. Be gentle.

43. Never forget what Jesus did, is doing, and will do for you.

44. Be merciful and forgiving.

45. Be humble.

46. Have the heart of a servant; think like one; act like one. Don’t just serve when asked.

47. Be mindful of God’s creation and respect it.

48. Guard your mind. Think pure thoughts.

49. Check all beliefs and principles with the Bible.

50. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Don’t gossip. If you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t say it at all.

51. Accept criticism and correction graciously and use it to your advantage.

52. Handle guilt; don’t let it handle you.

53. Don’t be afraid to admit you are wrong.

54. Say you are sorry first.

55. Don’t worry. Don’t be anxious.

56. Don’t keep records of wrong.

57. Let Jesus be your example. Be known as a follower of Christ. Be like Him. Always ask, “What would Jesus do?”

58. Pass this legacy on to your children and your children’s children.


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