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Grand Kamp

Hey Rockstars, have you ever considered hosting a camp for your grandchildren? Admittedly, it’s not feasible for everyone, but if it is at all possible for you to get the cousins together at your house for any length of time, grandma, do it! You won’t regret it. There are family bonds to be strengthened, lifetime memories to be made, and countless opportunities to strengthen their faith and reaffirm the lessons their parents are instilling. (Bonus? Those front-line warriors known as their parents will enjoy a well-deserved break!)

All that to say, the Fourth Annual Pops and Keggie Kamp is about to kick off here on the banks of Lake Providence, Louisiana, and it’s a toss-up as to who is the most excited, my grandchildren, or Keggie? It’s a party hardy gathering of almost non-stop activities. Among other items to be checked off our list are the prerequisite afternoons on the lake, devotionals and crafts, and visits with their great grandparents who live just down the road. I anticipate loads of fun and the consumption of large amounts of food. I’m also prepared for a bit of folly! It’s hard to imagine getting five grandchildren under one roof for an extended slumber party without at least a little folly, but we’ll get through that, too. (Remind me to tell you about one of my BIG Keggie fails! It’s not always the grands who fall into folly!) Oh, and in case anyone is counting besides your truly, I have SIX grands now, but Kennedy Lee is a wee too young for Kamp. Her time will come!








The grands habitually shorten our official moniker to Keggie Kamp, regardless of my efforts to include the beloved farmer. That can be equally attributed to the fact that Pops still has to farm during it all, and  the reality that he functions more like the wise manager of this crowd as compared to Keggie, the fellow Kamper. Our hashtag is #noadultsallowed and none of them think that disqualifies me or my BFF who is known to hang on the lake with us.

Full disclosure? Pops and Keggie Kamp wears me down to a fare thee well, and I’ll need my own vacay when it’s over, but it will be energy that is well spent. I’ll report back when I muster the strength! Onward, Rockstars. We’ve got this!

Hugs, Shellie


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