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 • Chrys  • God’s Got This

God’s Got This

Running errands is not the best job in the world. I know it’s not on the same level as scrubbing the toilet, but it’s not a day at the beach either. It’s amazing how the little things can make the whole experience better or worse. For instance, I got behind a beat-up red truck with a faded-out and slightly tattered bumper sticker staring at me as I made my way to Wal-Mart.  My shopping list was still being formed as I drove and wrote simultaneously (safely, of course), but the bumper sticker still caught my eye. It said, “Jesus Is the Answer.” Four simple words and I suddenly felt good. Well, better, at least, about having to spend Saturday afternoon at Wal-Mart. “Yes,” I thought. “Jesus is the answer. Thank you, red truck, for reminding me of that.” It was a mini-devotional of sorts. And I thought it was pretty cool that someone I don’t even know could have an effect on my total sense of well-being. 

I picked up the things I needed at Wal-Mart, feeling rather perky, got back into the four lanes of traffic and headed to Hobby Lobby. Another beat-up truck pulled out in front of me. This part isn’t surprising since we live in Louisiana and trucks are the vehicle of choice around here. So far, it was the same song, different verse-a truck with a bumper sticker. But this time the bumper sticker read, “If men are the jerks of the world, I married the king.” Wow, my perky self suddenly became sad as I thought about the implications of that statement. Does the driver really have a jerky husband? Has he ever seen the bumper sticker? Does he need counseling? Does she? Should this bumper sticker meet the other bumper sticker for lunch? All the pleasant thoughts in my mind had been replaced with concern and worry. I wished I had never seen that bumper sticker. I didn’t want to have to think about all those things. After all, I was just running errands, not saving the world!

For many years now, much has been written and said about the value of putting good things into our brains. In this age of mass-everything, we are bombarded with bad thoughts with as little effort as a click or a glance. Sometimes, in all innocence, we are exposed to things we don’t want to see or hear and then we begin to dwell on those thoughts. This fact makes the words God says even more important. Remember these words, “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” It’s pretty tough, isn’t it? But it’s not impossible. Here are some other really important words, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle belongs to the Lord.” 

We are in a battle. The fight is on to keep our thoughts and hearts pure, but-here comes the good part- we are not in the battle alone. In fact, this battle is not even ours, as the scripture in 2 Chronicles tells us, it belongs to the Lord. He owns it and is in control of it. 

      Grandmas, I know it’s easy to let the little pressures of day-to-day tasks mount up. We are also at a time in our lives when we might found ourselves alone more than any other time in our past. Many times, something as simple as a bumper sticker can put your mind in a playground it doesn’t need to be playing in.  But, you have the ultimate leader in charge to help you keep your mind on good things. 

God is serving on the front lines just for you! So, the next time you see a bumper sticker or a TV ad or a magazine cover that puts your mind where is doesn’t need to be, remind yourself that God is fighting that battle for you and, guess what, together, you have already won. 

Hugs, Chrys


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