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God says your perfect

It’s hard to not look to others for validation. After all, it’s people who hold our hearts and hopes. Our employer holds our future job opportunities. Our friends are our support system. Our family is our lifeblood. This is all as it should, so what’s the problem?

The problem is they are all people, not God. In John 2:24, Jesus looked around at his disciples, his friends and his family and the Bible tells us, “He did not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people.”

One definition of entrust is “to give someone a responsibility you assume they will carry out”. Humm…Jesus did not choose to give other people the responsibility of validating Him and his work on this earth. He knew that validation could only come from His Father who sent him. It’s a good word for all of us.

While we love others and want to please them, it’s only God who validates our worth. Never “entrust” someone else to do what God already does. And He thinks you’re perfect!

Have a blessed week!
Hugs, Chrys

  • Carrie


    I Loved your book! Thank you for sharing so many wonderful ideas! Now I have to figure out how to be able to apply so many of your wonderful ideas with my own Grand treasures! My son and daughter in law are doing an amazing job at raising our 2 Grand treasures! They are active in church which I praise God for!!!🤗💕. The only difficulty we (My husband and I) seem to have is building a close relationship with our daughter in law so she will allow us to spend time with our Grandchildren! My husband and I live in Washington State and our children and Grand children live in Idaho where they put down there roots after going to college at Northwest Nazarene University and finding their first jobs there! It’s a wonderful place for them to raise their families! We can hop on a plane and be there in an hour any time they will allow us to! Our daughter is still single, so we usually stay with her at her home, since she has extra rooms in her house for us, and we are usually always welcome there. Making your wonderful cookies for my grandchildren isn’t allowed by my daughter in law, as she doesn’t allow them to have many sweets. Our grandchildren are only 3 and 6. So maybe as they get older this will change! But it is fustrating, as our Grand treasures are allowed to have store bought cookies after church on Sundays at church! My husband and I Love the Lord with all our hearts and Love our Adult children and our Grand treasures! We are limited on time that they will allow us to spend with our Granddaughter and Grandson! They are on strict schedules and do not deviate from there nap rests every Day and meal times, scheduled activities, etc. Even being able to hold our Grand daughter after we held her in the hospital is a rarity! My husband says he doesn’t understand as well and prays it will only get better as the Grands get older! Please let us know if you have any suggestions as to how we might be able to develop a closer relationship!

    March 24, 2023

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