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God is Jealous for You

If all goes according to plans, I’ll be hitting the road in a couple weeks for a busy Fall speaking schedule. I thought I’d add the disclaimer because it is 2020, right? As of this writing, those bookings have not been cancelled although they will look different than they did last Spring when Covid first pulled all of our travel cards. The churches I’ll be speaking to will have social distancing guidelines in place and we will all be practicing the safety precautions that are our new normal. That’s ok, too. It can’t dull my excitement! I’m still looking forward to sharing with the groups that have invited me to speak. And by looking forward to it, I mean, I’m downright giddy with anticipation!

I love meeting people and sharing God’s word, and I actually enjoy the travel that is such a necessary part of what I do. That’s a good thing because having a starting point in rural Louisiana creates some interesting travels plans. I’ve jokingly said I have to take a number of cars, planes, ubers, and kayaks to get to practically any destination, and not all of that is an exaggeration! I remember once, years ago now, when I drove more than an hour to the nearest airport to fly down to Houston, TX, all so I could fly up to East Tennessee. Crazy, right? Yeah, well, I did have another goal in mind that weekend. A Houston layover means some super cool perks for Keggie here. Layovers are actually quite lovely when your grands live nearby! I found a picture of that weekend not long ago and the memories attached came flooding back!

Grant was a toddler and Connor was just a baby. That particular day, my short visit coincided with a play date Grant was having with his friend, Jacob. In and around showering Baby Connor with sugar, Grant and I enjoyed a seriously sappy reunion. Friend Jacob was happy to occupy himself with a toy motorcycle during the biggest portion of this lovefest, with the exception of one tense moment.

Grant was sitting in my lap when visiting Jacob decided to throw his arms around my neck and hold on for dear life. His mother was surprised. I was surprised. But, no one was more surprised than Grant who watched this display for .2 seconds before reaching for the abandoned motorcycle and thrusting it back at his friend, “Here, Jacob.” Grant said. “Here!” My grandson’s message was clear, “Step away from the Keggie, and no one gets hurt.”

I’ll admit it. I liked it. Knowing Grant wanted me all to himself warmed my heart. Sure, there was a touch of jealousy there, but he handled it well. We tend to think of jealousy as a horrible emotion, but that must not be true. In the book of Exodus God self-identifies Himself to us as a jealous God. That awe-inspiring thought can warm our hearts, too, if we’ll let it. God is jealous for His rightful place in our affections. He wants us all to Himself. Our omnipotent Creator knows that this life IS the layover and building it on anything or anyone else is to build our lives on sinking sand. Happy Trails, y’all!

Hugs, Shellie


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