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Fresh Peach Sherbet

What do you do when the weather is heating up and you’re hankering for some homemade ice cream but you’re not quite ready to pull out the ice cream freezer? You make my Fresh Peach Sherbet! I whipped up the first batch of the summer for guests and we enjoyed every delicious spoonful.  Here let me show y’all how easy it is to take some fresh peaches and sweetened condensed milk and make some for your bunch!


“Fresh Peach Sherbet”

A dozen nice-sized ripe peaches
2 cans Sweetened Condensed Milk
Mint for garnishing

I’ve already gotten us started by taking a dozen nice-sized ripe peaches, peeling ’em and slicing ’em. You want your peaches as ripe as possible. I spread the slices in a single layer on a cookie sheet and slid them in the freezer a couple hours ago. They should be firm now.

It’s time to blend them with two cans of sweetened condensed milk. We’ll use a food processor for this step. Here’s another tip. It’ll be easier if we divide our peaches and our condensed  milk into batches.   We’ll pulse it a batch at a time until it’s all smooth and creamy and put it in a freezer safe dish.

That is it, my friend. You’ve got yourself some cool Fresh Peach Sherbet! You can serve it right away, but it will keep several days in the freezer. Folks, I served mine by spooning it into pretty long-stemmed glass ware and garnishing with sprigs of mint. It was refreshing and delicious. Enjoy my Fresh Peach Sherbet, y’all. It’s good eating!

Hugs, Shellie

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